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dog park


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I took angel to the dog park today for like 2.5 hours first time the weather was actually half way decent this year. at first there were no small dogs so she got to play with the big dogs and all the big dogs followed her around. it was pretty funny to see this lil 12 pound dog followed by a dozen big dogs. when the lil dogs finally came we went over to the small side section to play with them. I've noticed angel tends to stick to the terriers. I mean shes friendly with everyone but she be followed or follows the terriers. She played with this fox terrier for a while...well until the other CAIRN came! first time I've ever seen another cairn at the dog park. (besides scotty angel has only met one other Cairn ever..I guess they are rare in my area) I swear every time I meet another Cairn or Westie owner its like meeting a kindred spirit. After the cairn came those two were inseparable! I sooo wished I took pictures!


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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oops I posted twice brad can you delete one


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I am fascinated by your "dog parks"..................... don't have them in UK [well as far as I know!], we have parks, open countryside, etc that you can take dogs to. What exactly is a dog park - do you leave the dogs there [parked!] or are they just designated areas for you to mtake dogs as there is no where else to walk them locally?

I take Holly to some local fields next to a golf course and we regularly meet other dogs there. She loves greeting and meeting all sizes...............but I am wary if they are off lead.


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it is fenced in area where dogs can socialize and play with other dogs...the one I go to have some agility balance beams and hurdle but it's meant for the big dogs


video from last year angel play with like 8 westie but i dont think all of em are on the video ...it was taken with my cell




here are some photos of angel at the dog park from last year


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Idaho Cairns

They are an exercise and socialization facility for urban dogs that would otherwise have no opportunity to spend romp time off leash. I have only used a couple of them but they really are fun for the dogs and the owners.

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I've seen 1 cairn and 1 dog that looked alot like a cairn at the dog park. The owner says he was in the cairn family. Her dog was chasing the big dogs in the big dog section. Rusty is a scaredy-cat in the little dog section. Your dog park is beautiful!! Mine is so ugly and hardly has ANY grass. i'm jealous :(

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How lucky Angel had another Cairn to play with at the park! I've only seen one Cairn at our dog park, and we were walking out to the car as they were walking in. And I agree that your dog park is pretty. Ours has no grass; only small pebbles. I still haven't figured out why it's like that. And we have no agility objects, either. Just a giant log that Sparky likes to jump up on and run up and down.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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well the grass is becoming less and less...lol its a new park..i think the dog park portion opened up like in 2007 the entire park is completely built yet i don't think...i put angel on the balance beam once and just sat there like she didn't know what to do...i really wish i took photos today...her and the wheaten cairn were so cute together! :wub: i had my camera i just never pulled it out...man was she tired when we got home! :D


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Taz met a new friend through the forum (Tuk-Tuk & Mom) and we had a rendezvous at a local dog park last weekend. Since Taz is only 7 mos, it was his first visit to one of these. He just loved it! Taz & Tuk-Tuk immediately had a great cairn connection :) Our park has a small dog section which is great. The 2nd night we went, we got a bag of treats from a regular whose dog was celebrating it's birthday, so we all left w/ goodies! Pretty cool.


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After meeting Taz, Tuk and I met another cairn at a different park we frequent too. It's kinda funny, for almost four years the only other cairns I've ever seen have been in puppy stores and then in the past week we've met two! I'm very happy to finally meet fellow cairn lovers and Tuk had fun too! The dog park is a blast for Tuky, he just loves to play with all the dogs and say hi to every person. I'm really glad we have them so there's a safe place our 'city' dogs to get off leash for awhile. :thumbsup:

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How great! A dogpark! There is none here within a 100 miles.. But I have heard so much about them! Great pics, Looks like you guys had a great time.


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We don't have dog parks here in NZ either and after reading about them on the forum, I wish we did. About 20 of us use a small local park which doesn't have flower beds, but is just encircled with native trees and bush. The owners are mainly woman who, after dropping the children off at school at 9am, continue on to the park to let their dogs off the lead and so both humans & dogs can socialise for an hour. Unfortunately recently an outdoor exercise class that uses huge elasitc bands (thera bands) has started up at 9am in the park, and also a tai chi class so all us doggy ladies have had to turn around and leave :crybaby: We daren't let our dogs off in case they want to join the classes and as some people detest dogs, we could then be reported to the Council who could then put up a NO DOGS ALLOWED sign. It's very frustrating at the moment for us :censored:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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  • 2 weeks later...

so I took angel to the dog park today and the was another cairn there...:P I took a few pictures of them...angel looked so tiny next to rocky he was like 22lbs and angel is only 12lb they played together a little he seemed more interested in fence fighting with the big dogs lol




Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I am jealous too. We have a terrific dog park but between torrential rains and taking in a rescue dog we haven't been there for awhile. The vet

we saw was concerned that Mojo could spread kennel cough so I guess it's no dog shows, earth dog events or anything for us in the coming weeks.

Our neighbor was bringing her young puppy over to play with Cassie but she can't come now. Better safe than sorry. I'm not too worried about Cassie since she is young, healthy and vaccinated but it would be bad to expose puppies, seniors, and immune compromised dog to KC. Now I appreciate this forum even more, since it will be my cyber social outlet to the dog set. Oh and Mojo is a real joy to have in our household. He is happy to have us too.

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aww well I hope mojo is okay! and gets better soon

We went to the dog park again...to meet skipper and there were a few other cairns there too. At one point there were 4 cairns there they kinda took over the dog park! :D LOL skipper even knocked me down lol bulldozed me in the legs while I was walking didn't even seem em coming...LMAO

I am uploading the photos from today here it is if you want to view it

there was Angel (brindle), Skipper (wheaten), duffy (wheaten), and another female cairn she was very light I guess you would call her a cream color

view Cairn dog park


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Ah! I'm so jealous! Skipper and Angel are lucky pups! The idea of dog parks hasn't caught on so well up here yet. There is one about 20 minutes away, but you are supposed to be a resident of the town to use it. I've heard that if you just waltz in like you belong that no one really cares though so we may give it a try once it warms up a little. Back in OR we went about once a week just to let the dog "get his crazy on". He was a madman when he got off leash! Enjoy!!!

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