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I am getting a fence! yippie


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Well, I guess i should say Tucker is getting a fence. I am sooooo excited! they are going to start it either Friday or Monday. I live in PA and it was in the single digits the past few mornings. I can't wait, I have wanted a fence ever since I got him and he is 3. Now I'm thinking.....maybe he should have a baby sister! He is soo spoiled, I really don't know how he would be with a baby.

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Good for you!! I'm so envious!

Maybe you can get him a sister, just not a baby. Adopt one about the same age.

Shelley, Angus and Mickey in Seattle

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Tucker is at a good age to get a baby sister. With a fenced in yard, and a sister to play with, Tucker will get a lot more exercise, and you will get the peace of mind of knowing that they are secure in your back yard. Two Cairns are so much more fun to watch & enjoy. Make sure that they bury the bottom edge of the fence a few inches in the ground to help keep Tucker from digging his way out.

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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I would love to get a puppy...I am not married and I don't have any kids so you can guess who gets all my attention! I don't want to take anything away from him - but then again I will be giving him something...a playmate.

My Aunt lives close to me and we go down her house often because her yard is fenced in. He has never tried to dig out. I sure hope he doesn't start that. I know I will be a nervous wreck until I get use to it..I have a feeling I am going to send alot of time just standing in the yard to make sure he is ok. I have a kennel that is 6 X 10 feet - I would put him in there when I was doing things in the yard..he loves it in there - it doesn't seem very big but he would play like crazy in there and I knew he was safe. I almost hate to give it up.

I can't tell you guys how excited I am.....and I am seriously thinking about a pup....I must be nuts!

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sheila and Misty
Well, I guess i should say Tucker is getting a fence. I am sooooo excited! they are going to start it either Friday or Monday. I live in PA and it was in the single digits the past few mornings. I can't wait, I have wanted a fence ever since I got him and he is 3. Now I'm thinking.....maybe he should have a baby sister! He is soo spoiled, I really don't know how he would be with a baby.

your going to love having a fence ...and I know you will love having two cairns!

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You and Tucker will both love having a fence!

They get so much exercise having the space to run around.

We went from a huge fenced in back yard to an apartment last May, we'll be moving back to the house in Ohio early June, I'm SOO looking forward to that fenced in back yard again! lol



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Congrats on the fence!!

You are going to LOVEE having 2 Cairns!


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The fence is great! they can actually run as fast as they want, almost like having freedom.

If you get another Cairn you will love it. He will be too happy to have a playmate that he will not get too jealous. You will feel better too because he will have a playmate to run with. I say go for it! i went for 3 dogs recently and Scoot and Sadie took it much better than I expected it.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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I'm sure Tucker will love his new fenced in yard,room to move. And a little sister to play with in it what could better. Congrads and what could be better then 2Cairns. Well maybe 3or4. Enjoy your new found freedom Tucker.


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We got our fencing right before winter started , when Wendy turned 1, because we dreaded another PA winter of getting bundled up to walk her in the cold weather. And was it COLD this winter! Of course she was giong out very, very often last winter when she was still getting housebroken.

She has never tried to dig under it... so far. But Beware... I gained 5 pounds ....not having to walk her as often!:)

Wendy's Mom

Mrs. B

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well, they still haven't started the fence yet.....I can't wait - I am kindof disappointed but I am keeping my eye on the prize! As far as a puppy, the thought is still in my mind but, this may sound really stupid - I am afraid I will really hurt his feelings..he is sooooo spoiled and he is well aware of that! I have visions of him going over to the puppy's crate and peeing on her! He is fixed will that help with marking? He was really easy as a puppy - I read some of the stories on here of the terrior puppies and Tucker wasn't like that --I had no problem potty training and he did chew very little. Oh, I don't know what I'm going to do........I will keep you posted!

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