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Skipper gets evaluated


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Took Skipper to the local dog obedience club to be evaluated for pet therapy training. He was in good company with his potential therapy team, a golden retriever, greyhound, boxer, german shepard, some sort of spaniel mix and a great big cat, cat being about same size as Skipper.

Skipper did not dissapoint and did superbly with the basic obedience skills and interacted very well with his classmates. Now I just have to wait till the end of week to see if he passed the evaluation process. My money puts Skipper at the top of the class, just have to wait and see.

The classes start next week

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Good Boy, Skipper! No doubts here that Skip will be a great therapy dog. His happy smile is going to brighten the day for lots of people who need some cheer in their day. Be sure to keep us up to date on how the training goes, and Good Luck! :thumbsup:


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Does that mean he would be training to be a therapy dog to

help people? (I mean, he doesn't need therapy himself right?)

If he's training to be a therapy dog that's just absolutely

wonderful. And I'll be he will be at the top of the class.

Max and Nelly

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Well done Skipper! I am positive he will be a wonderful therapy dog. I always thought Cairns would be great therapy dogs because they are such sweet animals and love to be around people. Please keep us posted on how the class goes.

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Excellent news! As for Skipper being top of the class..We all know the answer to that ;)

Good for you both for throwing rainbows and glitter around those less fortunate:)


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