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Such a Wonderful Forum


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I have been reading this forum for five months now, but just joined yesterday. I love reading about other people's experiences with their Cairns (I'm sure the Cairns think they're their people).

I got my first Cairn, Benny, about three years ago. I got my second Cairn, Kimmy, this past December. Oh my! The differences between male and female Cairns are just what I was told. Kimmy bosses Benny around even though she's tiny compared to him. It's really quite humorous. But, they love each other. It's really brightened Benny's life to have a little "sister" to run around with. Two is definitely better than one!

I'm happy I stumbled on this forum. It's nice to read posts from people who love Cairns as much as I do.



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I agree with Angieh completely. I discovered this forum when I adopted my Cairn over 4 years ago and I've been addicted to it, (and Cairns!) ever since.


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Glad you finally decided to join us. I was a "watcher" too for a while, after I stumbled across this wonderful forum while looking for any information about Cairns. Having all these other great people to turn to for advice & suggestions is a real help when you're trying to raise your furbabies. Just like with your two, our younger female is the boss here, but Bailey loves her, and I know either one would be lost without the other. Benny & Kimmy are beautiful looking Cairns, can you post some larger pictures for us?

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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I looked for something to help me when I adopted Holly last August and finding this Forum was of enormous help! I love the fact too that I get help from across the Atlantic and other places in the World and we all share in the love of a little scruffy and beautiful dog called a Cairn! :thumbsup:

[apologies to anyone who does not think their dog should be described as scruffy! but when I first met Holly she certainly was! ]


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That's exactly what I was looking for Holly&Me - a "scruffy little dog with attitude" and I certainly found it when I got Fergus, my cairn. And yes, this forum is brilliant; I read the posts every morning after I've read my emails. Such a lot of info here and also lots of laughs :D

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Welcome to the forum, if you are on here long enough you eventually learn the personalities of everyone's dogs and the owner's. Would love to see bigger pictures...

My little Sadie is the boss of Scooter and my 60lb. Shepherd puppy, Scooter and Sadie have a very close bond though.

[apologies to anyone who does not think their dog should be described as scruffy! but when I first met Holly she certainly was! ]

Funny you say that, when I dropped my two off to be stripped yesterday I said "I just want to be sure they keep that scruffy look, thats what I love about them" so I am definitely not offended, lol.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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My Benny is eternally scruffy. He has a soft coat *sigh* and no matter how much I brush him, he ends up scruffy. I love him dearly anyhow. He is so patient with Kimmy and adores our daughter. Does anyone have advice on soft coats? He only gets bathed at the groomer's about every two months, but his coat is naturally soft. Fortunately, Kimmy has the "true" Cairn coat, which is much easier to care for (I think).




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sheila and Misty

. Two is definitely better than one!

I'm happy I stumbled on this forum. It's nice to read posts from people who love Cairns as much as I do.

welcome! and alot easier on us as long as no health issues arise. They tend to wear each other out instead of wanting us to play all the time :thumbsup: Altho they want our play and individual attention at times -its still easier in the long run.

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Well, I was not sure what sort of dog I was going to get - apart from it being adult - so was looking at various terriers, and was then introduced to some Cairns and told about this one that was being retired by breeder and when I saw Holly standing there just looking so scruffy and cute - I just could not resist her! :)

and I love this Forum and in fact I am addicted to it! love seeing pictures of other Cairns and Kimmy and Benny look lovely together!

so glad others think their dogs are scruffy too!


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sheila and Misty
Welcome to the forum, if you are on here long enough you eventually learn the personalities of everyone's dogs and the owner's. Would love to see bigger pictures...

My little Sadie is the boss of Scooter and my 60lb. Shepherd puppy, Scooter and Sadie have a very close bond though.

[apologies to anyone who does not think their dog should be described as scruffy! but when I first met Holly she certainly was! ]

Funny you say that, when I dropped my two off to be stripped yesterday I said "I just want to be sure they keep that scruffy look, thats what I love about them" so I am definitely not offended, lol.

forgot to add-my last cairn was named SCRUFFY, and people thought I was weird to choose that name..I love it and eventually Ive been asked dont you ever brush your dog? I said all the time but about 10 minutes after they looklike they werent-hence my choice of name-scruffy. There was also a kid 3 doors down from us nicknamed scruffy and that little boy had a head of hair that always looked scruffy! cute kid too.

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Well, harummmph! We prefer "Little ROUGH Terrier" but "scruffy" works amongst friends! Welcome to the board, glad you have the indescribable Cairn fever like the rest of us. I simply cannot understand why anyone wouldn't want one of these little ones and am eternally surprised that Cairns aren't thicker than fleas in every city, town, a farm in the world.

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My little guy Oscar was named after Oscar and Felix of the odd couple, because he looked messy, in other words Scruffy!

I too love this forum, I read it for months before i joined. Now I'm very happy to be apart of the Cairn family.

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On another quick note about this forum. I joined a German Shepherd forum after I got Dozer and I have to say it is just not he same. Maybe it is because I have been on this forum here much longer and have not gotten to "know" the people on the other forum but I feel much more at "home" on this forum. Its weird, even though I have never met anyone on here...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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RE: On another quick note about this forum. I joined a German Shepherd forum after I got Dozer and I have to say it is just not he same. Maybe it is because I have been on this forum here much longer and have not gotten to "know" the people on the other forum but I feel much more at "home" on this forum. Its weird, even though I have never met anyone on here...

I know! Everyone on here seemed so friendly. I think there may be something special about Cairn owners. It really takes a sense of humor to own and love a Cairn.

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I love this forum too...I have only met one person and their dog on this forum (both of which were absolute sweethearts btw)...and every one that I talk to on this forum are so nice and helpful. I tried to find a forum for shelties and they don't even have one...(I needed to get some info on grooming a sheltie my MIL has one...and she is horrible matted...and she wont let any one groom her ...she pees and tried to bite) I had to contact a rescue group....they weren't exactly that helpful...


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I always ask Gus, "How's my scruffy little guy!" I think if you look up the word "scruffy" in the dictionary the definition says "Cairn Terrier". I just can't avoid thinking of this word when I look at Gus.

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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Welcome to yet another Western Washingtonian!! There are quite a few of us on here. We should try to have a meet up at one of the parks sometime.

There seem to be a lot of Cairns in the Seattle area. When we got Angus we lived in Dallas and we NEVER saw a Cairn there. Most people had never even heard of the breed. Since we've moved to Seattle, I've seen at least 20.

You're guys are precious! I agree, the only thing better than one Cairn is two Cairns! ;)

Shelley, Angus and Mickey in Seattle

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The Northwest is thick with Cairns. Bookmark the Cascade Cairn Terrier Club and the Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club sites - both clubs have events in the summer and various activities (eye clinics, fun matches, etc.) from time to time. Check the AKC events calendar for shows and earthdog tests in the area, too. You will meet many of the regional Cairn owners, exhibitors, and breeders.

Also keep an eye on the listing of Cairn-related events at the bottom of the forum front page. It will list events I have information for, or that a helpful Cairn contributor from a relevant club has posted.

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Thanks bradl. The Northwest is thick with Cairns. Must be something in the air out here. I actually found both my Cairns through the AKC and CRCTC breeder referral. I haven't been to any events, but Benny and Kimmy have a Cairn friend down the road they like to visit. It's fun to watch them Cairnplay around.

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Welcome!! Your two are just adorable. I love my scruffy little guy Louie to bits. He's the first dog I've owned, and he's just the best. I love his little attitude.

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I love this forum too! I got on a moms forum once and after one post requested my id be pulled right off! Yikes. I have often wondered if other breed sites were as great as this one. From what others have said, guess not. We love it here!

Btw, Tuky and I also prefer "scruffy" so no offense taken here!

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"Scruffy" is definitely a good thing, in my opinion. I've always had a thing for scruffy dogs. To me, that's just what a dog should look like. And I'm glad to see some new faces!

And click on the following link to read an article/watch a video about a scruffy little dog (it's a terrier mix, with a little Cairn in him, maybe) and the awesome things he did for his little girl: Jack the Terrier Mix

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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