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Before and After

Jessica H

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I brought them today to get stripped. Sadie is really hard to get a picture of. Scooter's fur is getting a lot of black strands in it, its weird.

It took her about 2 hours each dog and she only charged $40 each. She said in a few months she could probably get more off.

Scooter before


Scooter after


Scooter loves Dozer's crate, thinks it his mansion


Sadie before


Sadie after (best picture I could get)


Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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sheila and Misty

cute dogs! I think it looks good but mine both look more like your before pics . :whistle: I keep them minimally groomed -by the way from what Im reading about cost sounds like you have a deal-but she may up that price as she has to remove more.

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Thats what I don't understand about handstripping, these pictures the dogs have lots of hair.( and they are very cute!) And other pictures that have been posted they have very little hair left. My cairn is a year old and I don't know what to do to her. :confused1:

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I had waited too long to strip them. She got most of the hair out on their backs and legs but she will need to do more in a few months on the chest and belly areas I think it may be called rolling the coat. I had also made the HUGE mistake of shaving them last year and I ruined their coats.

They still have hair but it is MUCH shorter than it was. I think it depends on how often they are stripped. I am not sure, someone else may have a better, more knowledgeable answer than me.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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Oh wow! They look great! I should strip Benny and see how he turns out. When I got him, I didn't know any better and I had his hair cut short because he loves to romp through the brush and mud. Now his hair looks like Scooter's before picture even though I haven't had it cut short in two years.

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Thank you so much for posting the pics! I have been researching the breed for a a few weeks now, and lurking on the forum, but finally joined today.

I have been curious as to what a stripped out dog looks like - adorable!!

I am absolutely smitten ! :wub:

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