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My new leash


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I just picked up a new leash this morning for my Cairn. My goal was to find a short leash so that my kids would have an easier time walking Gus. With a normal length leash it gets tangled in Gus's (and sometimes even the kids) legs. I am constantly correcting my kids on how to hold the leash and it can be very frustrating. I happend to come across this leash:


It is meant to absorb the shock of a strong pulling dog (which Gus is not), but I like that the handle is big and easy for the kids to hold and that it is short. Has anyone else ever tried one of these? We'll have to give it a try this weekend. I'm hoping it is the answer to my problem. It better be because it wasn't cheap. I think I'll keep the tag on until I know for sure. Oh ya, I also like that it looks like a waterski tow rope since I am a waterskiier!

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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I got an ordinary leash with handle like that at first but found it difficult to hold and feel that I have Holly safe! It also made my hand hurt. I have very small hands*! It is the same with flexi leads too - the handles have to be grasped but cannot be looped round your wrist and hand. I feel the ordinary lead is safer as you can have it over wrist and then round your hand. I have seen in Pet shops here short leads - also very long ones with various types of handles/loops but have found the loop easiest for me.

*I buy and wear gloves intended for a large child!


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I have not tried that particular leash but I am a large fan of short leashes. I bought an 18" and a 12" (for my Shepherd). It keeps them close and the leash never drags. I have this one which I love, made out of rock climbing rope.


The 12" is a leather leash, I also use that with the coupler when I walk Scoot and Sadie on the coupler.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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I've seen these stretchable leashes and if you had a powerful dog, I can see the benefit. Considering the cost of these things, $18.00 here, I passed.

What I want is a retractable leash that works for more than two walks before going South!

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sheila and Misty

nice looking leash but I prefer total control-I dont feel safe enough with anything that gives or retractables-Im even having a hard time getting use to the harness feel. I was wondering if anyone tried the connector that goes to two leashes for side by side walking....does that work with cairns? Not the one that attaches higher up on one leash . the one thats just like a v-and we would hold one leash..

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I used to have one those side by side things but scotty just ended up dragging angel the whole way.... he was pulling forward and she was pulling back....scotty is so much bigger than her that she just ended up getting dragged..it was not a fun walk to say the least...I ended up carrying angel the rest of the way


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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sheila and Misty
I used to have one those side by side things but scotty just ended up dragging angel the whole way.... he was pulling forward and she was pulling back....scotty is so much bigger than her that she just ended up getting dragged..it was not a fun walk to say the least...I ended up carrying angel the rest of the way

thanks for the heads up!-I will try it and definately make sure I bring the other seperate leash just in case :thumbsup:

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I use a couopler with my 2 and I love it. When Sadie was little Scooter dragged her all over so I stopped using it. Now that they are bigger it is great, much easier.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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I've thought about getting one of thses couplers as well, but don't know if it will work between a 75 lb Lab and my Cairn. Is it even possible?

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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I use the coupler with Scooter (17lbs) and my Dozer, Shepherd puppy (60lbs for now) and it is fine. Dozer walks very well on a leash so he does not pull Scooter at all. If you lab pulls then he may drag your Cairn. Scooter tries to pull Dozer but it doesn't work. It actually saves my arm, lol.

If you are going to walk 2 very different sized dogs I would make sure you get the adjustable coupler made by Sporn. That is the one I have. I make Dozer's side longer than Scooter's size.


Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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