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How much do groomers charge to strip?

Jessica H

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For the first 4 years my breeder always stripped my dogs and charged me barely nothing but she has since had a baby and does not have time to do it anymore. I attempted it myself but I do not have the time or patience. I have found a great groomer who has been trimming them up and doing their nails for me for a while now. She strips and has one hand stripping competitions. I am having them both stripped on Saturday, I called to get an idea on the price and she said $40 each. I was shocked, I was expecting much more than that.

My question is how much is the average at a groomer? I am just trying to figure out if this is normal or a really good price.


I will take before and after pictures.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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From the quotes I received before finding our groomer who strips, $40 is about normal. Usually it's anywhere between $40-$50.

"One hand stripping competitions"? lol... let's hope she isn't going to do that on your dogs!



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I am not sure why I thought this was going to be about $100 a dog, for some reason that number is stuck in my head.

Lol, I meant won handstripping competitions. Although one handed would be interesting.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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Oh, ok per hour makes sense. She said $40 total and it would take about 2-3 hours each. I said that's it and she responded yes, so bring about $80 for both and you will be all set. i was shocked. I was ready to fork out a few hundred each, gladly as well...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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I pay $25.00 an hour for hand stripping or hand stripping lessons from my grooming teacher.

She mentioned that she was going to raise her rate to 30.00 an hour... but well worth it ... for the record I always opt for 'hand stripping lessons' on 1 dog then I attempt to groom the other one myself- LOL

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I think you have found a bargain! I live in Central Ma. Currently, I pay $75.00/per dog. Before this groomer, I was paying anywhere between $85-105/per dog.

The first groomer we found that handstripped in our area charged $15/per 20 minute session. She wanted us to bring the both of them every two weeks to be rolled. I just could ot afford to keep up that pace. I have to say she did a beautiful, picture-perfect job. She attends dog shows and does grooming at the shows. She is very particular and intimidating. If I owned show dogs who actively competed, I would definately want her to do the grooming.

In fact, I will always compare any handstrip to how she made my dogs look. She really wsa worth every penny!

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A local breeder here charges $80. And we've gladly paid it!

I'm here in Portland as well and we are having a hard time finding someone that knows how to hand strip a cairn. Which breeder do you use? And do you use any other places here in Portland?


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  • 2 weeks later...

We pay $40 to $50 for each of our dogs, and consider that a real deal. We get them stripped every couple months. The woman who does this breeds and shows her own cairns, and only takes on a limited clientele. We are really lucky to have her.

This will tell you how lucky we are: Occasionally, she will also scale their teeth, and we pay extra for that too. We don't know how she gets them to behave while she's in their mouths, but they love going to her place and always run up to the door so I know she doesn't beat them senseless! I think she just lets them know that no funny business will be allowed. And they do believe her!

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She must use the "positive and assertive" attitude :)

The groomer who taught us told us that when they are on the grooming table, it's not "ohhh, you're such a good girl/boy time". You do what you need to do, if they object, just slow down and take your time. But she also made it clear to the dog that she was the one in control, not the dog, but I mean that in a good way. We were there the whole time and not once did Miya decide she didn't like it. She was panting like crazy by the time she was done, but she didn't misbehave at all.



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I took Bailey to his breeder/groomer today, and paid $60 for stripping, teeth scaling, and a nail trim. It took her a little over 3 hours. Here are some before & after pix: (6 pictures on 3 posts!)





Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Bailey is a very handsome boy - lovely colouring now showing better after grooming. I have not found anyone here who will strip Holly that I like - am told she is now not strippable[?] due to being clipped/scissored etc in last couple of years. But have been recommended to a groomer who has experience of Cairns and will clip, bath, nails, glands, etc from


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Bailey is a very handsome boy - lovely colouring now showing better after grooming. I have not found anyone here who will strip Holly that I like - am told she is now not strippable[?] due to being clipped/scissored etc in last couple of years. But have been recommended to a groomer who has experience of Cairns and will clip, bath, nails, glands, etc from

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Wow, you guys have some very reasonably priced hand-strippers. I have heard one can pay up to $1.00 per minute for hand-stripping in some areas. I talked to a groomer about hand stripping Murphy and she said, "Stripping hurts. How would you like for someone to pull your hair out? Just clip him since you aren't going to show him." I was very surprised that she obviously knew nothing about hand stripping. Neither did she understand why those of us who don't show our dogs still prefer the hand-stripped appearance. Hmmm.....needless to say I won't be taking Murphy to her!

I have been rolling his coat which is time consuming, and am hoping to find someone who can trim his belly, rear end and "pantaloons" (he does not like having these areas stripped).

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I have been rolling his coat which is time consuming, and am hoping to find someone who can trim his belly, rear end and "pantaloons" (he does not like having these areas stripped).

We use thining scissors on our dogs bellies & inside the rear legs since those areas are sensitive to pulling. I hand strip the hair around the rear end, except right around the anus, where I use small blunt-tipped scissors to trim. You can also use thining scissors around the rear end if you wish. Sounds lilke that groomer didn't know that the dead hair is loose in the hair folicle, and comes out easily without causing pain. Does she really believe that people would actually do something like that if it hurt their pets???


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Brody got stripped for the first time today! Our vet has a groomer that comes in by appointments and she only charged us $43. We are very pleased with the turn out!





(Yes, both pics were taken today!! LOL)

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Brody is gorgeous! I just had Oscar stripped in San Francisco, is cost $90 for i beleive 90 minutes. He looks good, and isn't scratching as much.

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Brody does look lovely.................. his colouring shows much better.

Have made some more enquiries in this area and found someone who will strip a Cairn if able, does not cage dogs, and is happy for me to go and look at her place before I book! She charges


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I can not believe the difference in color of Brody. Sadie is the same color as Brody in the before picture. I had her stripped and there is a lot of red showing thru on the back of her neck but Brody looks like a different dog. How old is he?

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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