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Cool pictures

Jessica H

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Not sure where to post these

I just came across these pictures of the ice storm we had in December that left me without power for 11 days :censored:

I live in the middle of no where. Usually the weather pattern out where i live is a lot different than where I work which is only 50 minutes away. I also live about 1800 feet about sea level so it stays colder up here.

These are some cools pictures I got, there was about 1/2 inch of ice on everything. Trees were snapping in half throughout the night making loud noises and trees were even uprooting. It did a number on the dogs' fence.



Every blade of grass had about 1/2 ince of ice, it was pretty cool.



Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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It is always beautiful after the fact! We had a storm like that in Mo. in December 2007. Our power was out for 8 or 9 days. The first day was so scary when you could just look out the window and see the limbs falling.

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