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What are the right questions to ask a breeder?


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Like what kind of "papers" should the dog have?

And what are the shots that 8 week old puppies should have already?

What should I know about the parents?

anything cairn-specific I should ask about?

Questions like these would be VERY helpful!

Thank you!

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What is the asking price of the puppies?

What health tests have been done on BOTH parents of the litter? Any breed should have hips (OFA or PennHip) eyes (CERF) and ideally thyroid.

What temperament testing and socialization has been done?

What goals does the breeder have with the breeding program and how does the breeder go about to achieve this? If the breeder breeds just to produce more dogs, for pets only or anything that does not go towards the bettering of the breeder's lines and the breed as a whole, go elsewhere.

What does the breeder feel are the strengths and weaknesses in the breed and the breeder's program? The breeder should be open with you about the program and where they hope to go with it.

What type of contract does the breeder have for pet or show puppies (it should include a spay/neuter agreement and health guarantee)?

What inoculations have been given? Eight-week-old puppies should have had their first set of inoculations and you should be given documentation of this. If not, go elsewhere.

Can you get references of previous puppy buyers?

I hope this helps :)


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Ask for a copy of the registration papers you will receive with the puppy--make sure the breeder does not give you a "limited" registration. This little trick, sending a limited AKC registration after the sale and shipping of a pup is odious. Unless, of course, this has been discussed with you prior to the sale.

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Oh yeah! and my mom called a breeder yesterday. (we found on AKC breeder referral) she said her puppies go for $950 plus tax. Is that the range we're going for? Too much? Too little? The litter was born on Feb 1st and won't be ready to go until April. We are going to continue talking over e-mail, which is why I want to know want to ask.

those are good questions.

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I would say that is about average. 5 years ago I paid $850 for mine. Prices go up, prices vary in different areas. Just make sure these puppies are "worth" that much. Make sure this is a good breeder with good bloodlines.

Where did you get Rusty (?) from?

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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I am glad you know better now. To me it is a catch 22. I would never buy from a pet store but I want to save the little babies so they do not have to be in the pet store. I always think I know it needs to stop but it won't in the next month and these poor puppies are stuck in little cages, but it of course enables these horrible puppy mills and encourages bad lines... I am sure Rusty is a great little guy!

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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He's great. He's sleeping on me right now =D

But back to the main topic, this breeder seems like a good one, at least based on what she discussed with my mom on the phone.

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I did some asking around before I bought my Cairn from a reputable breeder and found out that around $1000 was a typical price.

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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