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Scare of my life


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i got the absolute scare of my life on Tuesday. i had taken Spaz over to my best friends house for a "Play date" with her Corgi/chihuahua mix, Midnight (the two go absolutely crazy when they see each other). My friend & i decided to watch a movie while the pups were playing. about halfway though the movie spaz went to jump up on the couch & missed (how i have no idea, its a very low sitting couch) & landed on his back left leg. he started Yelping, whining, & crying something terrible! i was so scared that he'd broken it or something because he couldn't extend his leg. i glanced @ the clock & saw that my vets office was still open, immediately grabbed my purse & keys & handed my crying puppy to my best friend & we headed straight to the vets office. Luckilly Dr. Morrow wasn't busy & was able to see Spaz right away. Poor little guy managed to pop his knee out by simply falling less than a foot, he jumps off my bed daily & it's probably about 2.5 times higher tan that couch was! got a shot in his bum to help with the pain & relax the muscle to help his knee slide back into place, he didn't even react when he got his shot this time. he's doing much better tonight, the anti-inflammatory the vet gave me for him seems to be helping a lot, he's finally able to set that foot on the ground while walking, still limping a fair bit though. the past 2 day's he's been trying to chase the cats while only on three legs.

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It is really important that you keep your puppy as quiet as possible - and that means crate rest, walking only on the leash, and definitely no cat chasing. The inflammatory may make your puppy feel better but it will take much longer for the ligaments to heal if they are exercised too much. It is tough for you and the pup I know, but worth it.

When Abby was five months old she was playing and fell off the seat of the sofa too. In her case she fractured the growth plate on her knee and needed surgery to fix it. My sister's Cairn when he was a pup fell off the seat of the sofa too; but in his case he only sprained a muscle.

So Spaz is not alone in sofa-induced leg injury!

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sheila and Misty

aw! altho you had aquite a scare -be thankfull (it could have been way mor serious) good thoughts for a speedy recovery!

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we're trying to keep him resting as much as possible, but unfortunately we don't have a crate... & every place in town is sold out! -groans- go figure right? when you need something it's never to be found while it's needed!

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glad spaz is doing better. he may have a susceptibility that will make it necessary to restrict his jumping on and off furniture (this is not uncommon in little dogs with long backs).

i would suggest using a harness and short leash, and fix the leash to something so that he is limited to that area. make sure he has a very comfortable place to rest and some things to chew on. you'll be able to keep him quiet without a crate, and it will be a bit more sociable for him anyway.

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I have small footstools in front of my couch and also next to my bed for Renny's use in getting up onto them. He does use them most of the time at least on the way up. As far as getting down, he will sometimes use the footstools or simply jump off.

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i'm going to get spaz some doggie steps tonight.. provided the stores aren't all sold out again like with the crates (pet co did have some but Gah $80 for a small one!) o just remembered the vet told me to call him in 3 day's & let him know how spaz was doing & it's just that. -goes off to call the vet-

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looks like i'll probably be taking my little guy back to the vet in the am... it's been a week & he's finished all of his pills & he's still not walking quite right, still limping.

though sometimes i'd almost swear he forgets his leg bothers him & he'll take off across the living room @ full tilt.. then look back at me almost as if saying "oops forgot" & start limping & babying his leg again.

it was a bit of an attention getting device a few months ago when he sprained his front left paw. makes me wonder if i've got a Drama King on my hands here lol

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