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Cairn Terrier Specialty Santa Clara CA


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My DH just now tells me he can get time off so we can go down and attend the Northern California Cairn Terrier Specialty show. Thankfully the hotel will give us rooms but it's too late to show Cassie, get reservations for lunch or go to the Judges dinner. It will still be fun anyway because there will be tons of cairns from all over. If anyone else is headed down (or up) we'll see you there.

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when is the show? I'm not aware of it. I live right below San Francisco, I would love to go watch and maybe bring my dog to the show.

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This website gives the info on this weekend's show. Also if you go to this site's homepage, then click on affiliates, then on the club for Northern California,

that will take you there too. I'd love to meet another cairn enthusiast.

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Val will be there showing off puppy Merl in sweeps. Be sure to root for them!

Greg and Val Perry

Home of Kula RN CGC, Am. Can. Int'l. CH Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA ME EE2/Can. SE NAJ NAS CGC (Kona), CH Clanmarr's Steele Princess (Hattie) and CH Scotchbroom Thistle The Patriot SE (Sully) Visit: CroftersDream.com

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We will be there too. Unfortunatley the CTNC did not have any obedience classes this year as a part of the Specialty (So sad :crybaby: Anyone assosciated the CTNC...please know that there are obedience Carins who also want to shine....please add these classes back next year) So although we will be there on Saturday our main focus will be on making it through our Rally class with the Santa Clara Kennel Club. Of course we will come by to watch the confirmation dogs once we have had our run.

CTCNC also usually has a great raffle setup...so bring some pocket change for that.

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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Wish I was going. Good memories of that show.

eastofeden - and anyone else interested - Columbia River plans to offer obedience at our specialty this July in Portland. Come on up :-)

I think a lot of clubs offer obedience for a while and then drop it because the entries are so low. It's a vicious circle, I know! No one can enter if it isn't offered - and it isn't offered because no one enters.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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I tried and tried to figure a way to get there but it was just a little too far to drive.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Brad: Actually already in the planning stages of a vacation up north this summer and was trying to figure out if I could work it around the CRCTC event in July. (Especially since I missed my trip up there this past December....which is of course the reason ya'll had REAL snow...because us California Natives were not up there to keep it away :P )

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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I tried and tried to figure a way to get there but it was just a little too far to drive.

If only there were a way to travel great distances in a short amount of time!


(just kidding - I know it's hard ... and expensive ... to get to faraway shows)

(Especially since I missed my trip up there this past December....which is of course the reason ya'll had REAL snow...because us California Natives were not up there to keep it away :P )

By the same token I'll try to visit during any upcoming drought, as surely that will bring you much-needed rain!

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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We're here! There are cairns around and we'll head to the fairgrounds in the morning. The hotel is super

nice. Two years ago when we were here it was under renovation and they did a great job. The rain has

stopped and DH is walking Cassie out around the hotel grounds. I'll bring the camera with me and see if

I can get some good shots.

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Well on Saturday we had a great day. Got our first leg towards a Rally Novice title & a 4th place Rossette! Any points off were due to handler error. Izze was GREAT!

Sunday was another story...NQ'd in the Novice class. No heeling actually took place (although NO out of control running around the ring like a crazy dog happened :thumbsup: . My front, my back and my right sides were great places to be....she just could not believe that I really wanted her to stay to my left :shock: )...but the judge really liked and complimented us on our Recall. And Izze managed to hold the long sit....even when the Rottie & Newf in the class decided that it was a good time to start carousing.

So....next time will be better. There is that Terrier Speciality coming up in Sacromento in April. Anyone going?

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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Brad, I did considered that but I couldn't decided which of the pups.....so I'm going to Detroit. My friend in Fl is driving up and we are off to Detroit! Maybe we will see some of you guys there

Wear your green and bring your Lepricairns

to Michigan on March 7th & 8th, 2009

for our Back-To-Back Specialties

SHOW HOURS: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Indoors and Unbenched

Ann Arbor Dog Training Club

1575 East North Territorial Road, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I heard from Harry's breeder that there was some bad weather out that way, I hope everyone is okay!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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It was very rainy but we really enjoyed the show. I do hope everyone made it home on the freeways ok. We drove through the rain last night back North.

I'm not sure what I can post here about the results as I know this website doesn't mention breeders. I did get to meet Val and Merle and briefly introduced myself to Katrina who is going next weekend to earthdog in Woodland, CA. Hope the rain stops soon and we can go there too. We stimulated the economy of the area and the CTCNC also. My daughter got the most lovely necklace and Cassie got a tartan squeaky toy she loves. Hey, come to think about it I didn't get anything. What is up with that?

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It's fine to discuss results - show results stand on their own merits. Thank you for being sensitive to the issue!

As long as the context has nothing to do with recommending specific breeders or any appearance of being related to placement, then everything's fine. Context means a lot. A show result in a discussion about a show (or showing) is no problem. Mentioning the same result in a follow-up to a post about looking for a Cairn? Problem, because in that context it's an implied endorsement of the kennel.

Hope that helps clarify a bit.

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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I understand a little better now, thank you. Ok so here are the results for Saturday's show and of couse congratulations should go to:

Ch McHan's Hard Drive aka Hardy for Best in Show (born in 2005)

Calypso Ladybank JE for Best of Winners (born in 2006)

Ch Terriwood Mojo for Best of Opposite Sex (born in 2005)

Any errors in this report are strictly my responsibility. Sorry we did not attend on Sunday.

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Brad, I did considered that but I couldn't decided which of the pups.....so I'm going to Detroit. My friend in Fl is driving up and we are off to Detroit! Maybe we will see some of you guys there


My DW & I are going to be there at least one of the two days. This show is at the same facility where Bailey had his eyes tested for OM recently, about 60 miles from our place. Our breeder, who is wintering in FL, is driving back to MI for this show! Will you be bringing Paint & Duncan? It would be great to see those cuties in person after seeing all the great pictures of them. Hope to see you there!


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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