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"Oh My! You're just a little puff ball"


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Or insert your own "small dog" dig here. :lol:

My favorite so far "My Lab/Retriever/Mastiff would eat you as a snack" :censored: GRRRR

Yesterday we heard "Oh my you're just a puffball" but that person ate her words when Louie went nuts at a the skateboard park (the helmets and the noise drive him nuts) never tired through our trek through the woods, and never once needed to be coddled or cared for, and in fact urged us forward and hurried us along the trails.

What I don't get is when people see a beagle, they never say.. My what a puffball.

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My favourite/sorry least favourite comment I received about Holly "funny colour for a Westie" so when I explained that she was a Cairn, and brindle - the response was oh "not a proper dog then like my King Charles Spaniel!" :confused:

ps and I see that lady taking her "proper dog" for a "waddle" down the road on occasions but have not sen it whilst we have had snow!


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sheila and Misty

a friend of my husbands came to our door with his dog Harley(a Burmese mountain dog) when I had my last cairn-

I opened the door-scruffy looked out too. The guy talked for the dog and said -"I thought you said I was going to meet a dog-where is he ?what dog ?I dont see no dog- theres a hairball near the door.-

I knew he was just kidding around but I couldnt resist saying-at least my hairball doesnt eat me out of house and home and Id rather scoop up a tootsie roll than a fireplace log! Then he said my dogs nose is as big as your dogs head! I said wow now thats something to be proud of! then we all laughed.

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I was at the Vet one day, and a German Shepherd breeder was in there with a 9month old puppy. She said "what are they? Dirty Westies?"

All Bratt wanted to do was play with the German Shepherd, and when Bratt got close that same German Shepherd but her tail between her legs and hid behind her owner..... LOL :twisted:

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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My worst meeting with someone was when I had Puddles in petsmart training when she was a wee one. The trainer picked puddles out of the group and set us in the corner because she pretty much said she was going to be a hard one and a hopeless case :/

I changed meeting times to get away from that trainer and she graduated first in her class.

But most of all i always get..What kind of dog is that? I say Cairn Terrier and i get a WHAT?? I always have to say a Toto...and they get it.


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The thing I hate is when I say Sparky is a Cairn Terrier, and people say, "Oh like a Yorkie?" :nono: If he was "like a Yorkie" I would say that he was a Yorkie. These people just don't know what they're missing.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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Worst experience:

Took Murphy to a new vet in a new town. Filled out the paperwork, wrote CAIRN TERRIER in the breed slot. Got home, looked at the breed and he was labeled a West Highland White Terrier. :nono:

This boy ain't even close to being white!!!!!

They promptly received a telephone call letting them know that our dog was actually a Cairn not a Westie. I guess they thought we were stupid and didn't know what breed of dog we had.

(add that to a few other occurences and we are in the market for a new vet!)

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Yeah, when your own vet doesn't know it's a Cairn Terrier, that's not very encouraging. It's so surprising that Toto is one of the most famous dogs in movie history, yet no one knows what kind of breed he is!

Another thing that annoys me is when I'm at the dog park and someone comes up to me and mentions they used to have a Cairn, or that they have a Cairn at home (which makes me sad that they brought another dog, and not a Cairn), and then they start talking about how Cairns act and what they do, and try to act like I don't know anything about my own breed. It's almost like they're warning me because I'm just too dumb to know any better. One lady told me to be careful not to let him off the leash. Thank you very much, lady. I know that.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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I hate it when people say that Benny is not a real dog because he is not very big. Or they make comments like, "Oh, what a cute lap dog." Don't call Benny a lap dog! :censored: GAH.

My vet had the best way to describe Cairns. He said "what Benny lacks in size he makes up for in personality."


The world revolves around Benny and Sally...or so they think!

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I think it's funny that you mentioned a mastiff could eat your cairn for dinner. My sister has a HUGE mastiff and she is scared to death of my 7 lb Cairn Terrier. LOL


We're the Cairns of America

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At the Hogs for Dogs ride last year, I had Dirty Harry there and lady from "PETA" came up and asked if I would be interested in letting my dog go to a photo shot. SHe said he would be a nice dog to represent them and the cause. She told me how important it was to get dogs spayed or neutered.

I told her since he wasn't neutered and I used him in my breeding program that maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea.

She then lectured me about why all dogs should be fixed. When I asked if she knew what breed he was, she told me she figured he came from the pound since I was helping fundraiser for the local shelter.

Gotta Love People


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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At the Hogs for Dogs ride last year, I had Dirty Harry there and lady from "PETA" came up and asked if I would be interested in letting my dog go to a photo shot. SHe said he would be a nice dog to represent them and the cause. She told me how important it was to get dogs spayed or neutered.

I told her since he wasn't neutered and I used him in my breeding program that maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea.

She then lectured me about why all dogs should be fixed. When I asked if she knew what breed he was, she told me she figured he came from the pound since I was helping fundraiser for the local shelter.

Gotta Love People

That's weird. She must've thought he looked like a homeless waif, which is of course impossible since

you're so thorough with your grooming process. (I would've understood someone thinking that about one

of my gang, although DH called me at work this AM proud as punch about his grooming efforts. We'll see..)

Like you said...People. :confused1:

Max and Nelly

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I will never forget my best encounter, I was at PetSmart and of course this woman in front of me at the registered heard Napoleon barking and she turned around and said does he do that all the time? that would drive me nuts?? and i said no, he only does it when someone he doesn't like is near by. That shut her up!!

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I will never forget my best encounter, I was at PetSmart and of course this woman in front of me at the registered heard Napoleon barking and she turned around and said does he do that all the time? that would drive me nuts?? and i said no, he only does it when someone he doesn't like is near by. That shut her up!!

HAHA...Some people can be SO rude!!! I'm glad you put her in her place!!!


We're the Cairns of America

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Puddles and Iris's brother is a mastiff.. And they own him..and he knows it :)


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I MUST tell this once again!! Last sunday I had a well known judge(of dogs) at my home to have him look at my Cairn and very much to my surprise he was delighted with my doggie, beautifull head, very good coat and a well proportioned body. Nice to hear, of course.(As a matter of fact I was proud as hell)

Next day we went to the park and met a lady with the most awfull little mutt at the other end of the line with a very sorry moth eaten coat and she very happily remarked how much our dogs looked alike. "You don't see many of these", she said, and I couldn

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