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South Australia Cairns


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The news of the fires in South Australia is very disturbing and horrifying. I seem to think there are at least 2 posters on this Forum from Australia but not sure what area of that country they are from?

I just hope that they and any other dog owners in that area are OK [well, am concerned for everone living there actually - I have friends with family in that area but so far they are alright].


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I'm one of those in Aus but thankfully I'm on the west coast far away from the fires. I see from her profile "Aimfor" is somewhere in Melbourne, the fires are just to the north and east of the city, so hopefully she is no where near them.

Seeing all the coverage on the news makes me so sad, so many lost lives (both human and animal) and so much destruction, I pray they get the fires under control soon before any more people die.

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SO sad!

My thoughts and prayers are with the Aussie people and their furry babies today.


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I've been worrying too.... Extra prayers going out to all Australians and their families who are victims of such a horrible tragedy. I cannot imagine the devastation....

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And now, to add insult to injury, the fires are being investigated

as a case of arson. How could anyone?

As someone on the radio said yesterday, "those responsible better hope the police find them first."

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Notice "Aimfor" is shown as Melbourne..................... so have sent her pm asking how things are? If having problems may not be able to get internet connection? but felt somewhat concerned.


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Notice "Aimfor" is shown as Melbourne..................... so have sent her pm asking how things are? If having problems may not be able to get internet connection? but felt somewhat concerned.

Thanks, I was/am worried about them. Please keep us posted.

Max and Nelly

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Have not had any response from the pm I sent "Aimfor".

Hope it does not mean anything awful, as there could be a problem with internet in area, or she has evacuated and had no way of accessing internet. Or, she may be very busy helping friends - you just don't know!


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Have not had any response from the pm I sent "Aimfor".

I also had sent her a PM and when I got no response did a bit of Googling and have found that she doesn't live in the affected areas (she's in the suburbs of Melbourne). Also saw that she has been helping out the victims of the fire by offering dog transport and crates etc. So hopefully all is well with her and her family. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

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Thanks for that ozgirl! Not thought of googling but have now done so, some interesting information found. Impressive list of dog people in Victoria who are offering obviously much needed help.


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News of the fires has slowed down. Are the fires now under control? I hope all of our people, and all of there people, pets and possessions came through okay.


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There are still fires burning according to BBC news. Today there has been a huge service of remembrance in Melbourne. I am sure there will be many who mourn not just the people who died but also the pets that have been destroyed.

No doubt at some point Aimfor may feel able to post something but am sure at present that other matters are demanding attention.


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