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Cairn Post-It Notes at Target


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I was just roaming around Target and I found some cute little Cairn Terrier post-it/sticky notes! They were in the section as soon as you walk through the doors that has all of the fun/cheap little things for a dollar or two. They were thrown in with some other dog breeds, and I was surprised to see a Cairn. But the picture is of a Cairn in a flower pot.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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The dollar spot?!? my weakness!!! I hope they have em at my store! I have to say, some of Currey's favorite toys EVER have come from there - a dollar well spent!

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They did not have them at my Target. :crybaby: When my mom lived in TX we visited her there and they had way better stuff at the stores there than here. Sigh

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Not only do they have the little post it notes, our Target had the larger notepad with magnets on it and of course the cutest little Cairn.

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Not only do they have the little post it notes, our Target had the larger notepad with magnets on it and of course the cutest little Cairn.

No luck at our Target. :confused: Is there by any chance a web address on any of your notepads or post-its, where we might be able to order some???

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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The back of the large notepads are distributed by Devian Global Industires, 76 stirling Rd, Warren NJ, 07059...questions or comments...800 651 0616

I went back today to buy whatever was left and found only 2. :(

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I stoped at Target today in serach of the post it notes... they haven't made it to the Ohio Valley.... I'm hopping that they'll have them out after Valentines day!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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you could just make your own they are really easy to make....I used to make them on the off set printer at school all the time...or there is company's online that you can send your choice of graphic...as long as it's not copy write and they will print it for you

here's some sites that will do it

site one

site 2

but if you search online...there are other sites too


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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