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T Bone eats oranges


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Last night I had a new orange from my local coop for dessert -- a "pink navel orange." I suspect it might be something of a cross with a grapefruit. Anyway, T Bone was sitting on the stool next to me, watching as I peeled it, and I realized he was drooling. He does this when he really covets my food ( or even Allie's food...always hungry).

I thought he was crazy, because he wouldn't possibly like an orange. I gave him a little end of one section -- and he gobbled it up. So I gave him his own section, and he ate it. He would have eaten as much as I gave him.

I cannot believe he likes citrus -- it's so acidic. And when we had problems with his barking, the trainer had recommended that we keep one of those plastic lemons on hand and squirt him in the mouth to stop his barking. We never did that, and now it's quite obvious it would not have worked. He would probably have learned to bark more just to get some more lemon.

He is a strange little dog!

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Our boy is the only one of the bunch that just LOOOOOOVES fruit. Oranges and mangos rank as number one. Cannot even peel an orange or mango and he comes a running. He always a little...have not tried grapefruit..or lemons. I always thought it was the sweetness they smelled.

I just love the way they all have their own taste.

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I had a satsuma one day and Holly kept looking at me so I tried her with a segment - she was so funny. She picky it up, shook it, dropped it and smelt it. So I thought, oh too sharp taste and I went to pick it up and she grabbed it and ate it shaking her head as she did so! It was obvioiusly a sharp flavour but she was still going to have it. She will eat with relish apple, banana, peach and melon but I did not think she would like anything acidy!


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Axle & Cami can hear the crunch of an apple a room away. They love pears, apples, watermelon, guava, mangoes, and melons.

Once in a while, they also get durians .... yes, the thorny pungent fruit that's available only in this region. And they really love it. Have to be careful with the seed though ... Cami swallowed a whole seed once ... its about the size of golf ball ... i waited for days for it to come out the other end, but her stomach acids had other ideas i guess. Thankfully, no problems.

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angel likes oranges too...scotty likes it when I am making juice I have one of those Jack Lalanne's juicers and what you don't use in the juice in puts in a different compartment and you can freeze it and use it as like a desert scotty likes that part of it...


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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My Chelsea LOVED grapefruit, especially the rind. It was funny seeing her with a big yellow smile. She would actually get aggressive over grapefruit, but was completely non-aggressive about everything else.

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sheila and Misty

Misty and Toby will not eat fruit-but like I mentioned once before-Misty does love her tossed salads with vinegar! Meat and snacks I understand but who would think they would get a dog that wants your fruits and salads? Oh yeh-our dogs are fitting right in with the health consious fad -I think theyre listening to too much tv....goes to show how domesticated the canine race has become.

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Clementines are also Napoleon favorites. I swear i have not had a full clementine for myself since he is around!!

He also loves apples and bananas

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