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Jack at 3 months, and a question..


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First off some new shots:






Now the question.....

Where is his long fur?

He's 3 months old, his course fur is thru, but it's still very short for a Cairn. I'm thinking at this age his fur should be getting longer, no?

BTW- Thanks for all the previous advice. He's now fully house trained, sleeps 8 hours at night, doesn't go where he's not meant to (most of the time) and has not destroyed a thing! He's a smart cookie!

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i can't remember whether this is the same jack, but is he a mix? if so, he maybe he won't get long fur. if not, i wouldn't worry. it is the devil to groom, and this dog looks perfect the way he is. he is absolutely gorgeous. it is odd that with his perfect cairn face he doesn't get cairn fur (or ears?) but it doesn't detract for his perfection.

sounds like he has a real cairn personality (and smarts?), but if he doesn't get the full cairn jungle of fur, maybe you should count yourself lucky.

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I'm inclined to agree with PK, and think that Jack's coat may more closely follow that of his mom, who I believe was part Schnauzer? If his coat doesn't change a bit from what it is right now, he is a wonderful looking dog! His coloring is wonderful, his expressive face is absolutely beautiful, and those floppy ears are perfect! You couldn't hope for a better looking dog. If he were mine, I would hope that he didn't change a bit! :wub: Your pictures are excellent, please keep them coming.


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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You guys have good memories! Yes, his mum is part Schnauzer, perhaps that explains it.

Hadn't thought about the long hair = nightmare to groom & clean thing, good point!

As you say, he's a stunning wee dog and we knew he was a bit of a Heinz from the off. He comes into my shop with me during the days and he's good for business, people are calling in just to see him!

Happy to keep the pics coming, more soon.



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To add...

You all are clearly right, just Googled for Schnauzer puppies and found this picture:


Don't know why but had it in my head that Schnauzers were naturally long fur also. So, the Schnauzer gene is strong in Jack! Least we know know, as everyone keeps asking what breed he is, we say Cairn, then get odd looks from those who know the breed.

Thanks again.

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Whatever he turns out like as he grows older he is a real handsome boy now! Beautiful colouring.


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sheila and Misty

Heck-I wouldnt worry- cute without the grooming hassel! both breeds are cute so how could he be anything but? like Brad said some are slow and some are fast growers -I agree that youll have your definate answer by 6 months.

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Iris had short fur..no ear hair hardly till she was 6 months old..Then it came it like wildfire!


3 months old


her now.

It just may take some time like Brad said *shrugs*


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Just had to add that I think he is absolutely adorable. I would come into your shop too just to see him. His expression with those ears is darling. And I love the way he "crosses": his legs.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi, all, well Jack is now ten months, and has turned from the cute little bundle of fun above, to this:


A mischievous bundle of trouble ;-)

He adores the water, if he gets near the stuff you can't keep him out of it. He's a powerful swimmer, regularly comes out with me in the Atlantic sea and swims for miles. He's still a ball of energy and into everything, as you'd imagine. But incredible well behaved when he's excitement and natural curiosity don't get the better of him.

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He certainly did!

He's at present about the size of a large Cairn. We're now pretty sure he's a cross with a Border, so will most likely get about 20-30% bigger yet.

He's unbelievable powerful too. At 6 months he could pull me along on my bike no problem, now he can pull me up hills (it's great!). He regularly pulls my eight year old off her feet! He looks really big when his fur is dry, but when wet you can see there is nothing too him, so where all the power comes from is anyones guess.

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oh, what an even more handsome young dog now he is older! he looks so proud too sat on the boat................


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What beautiful photos of Jack , he's grown from a beautiful pup into a handsome young boy :D looking at the photo of Jack on the boat it seems like he's got a pretty good life too!

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You know, I thought he looked a lot like a Border terrier in his puppy pictures. I love that breed as much as I love Cairns. They are simply wonderful little dogs. :thumbsup:

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border terriers really are delightful dogs. cairns are very strong for their size, so it isn't surprising that jack is a strongman.

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Ya, we worked out the border connection a few months ago, before his fur went mad. Talking him for a walk we ended up behind his body double: From the behind they looked identical, obviously the head and front end were very different though. His face and head shape is pre Cairn. His body shape too. But fur is straight from a Border.

He is a very good looking dog. Very good portions, very solid build, excellent stance and lovely face. And a classic Cairn nature. Even though he's a mixed breed a few friends with small breeds suggested getting them together for a litter, but we had him fixed at 8 months (felt it best for him as we never intended to breed him).

We weekend during the summer in a place called Donegal, it's a very rural part of Ireland on the North West coast, he loves it up there. Spends all day running around the rocks and beach meeting new friends. We also have two local lakes to home (pic above taken on the smaller one, 2mins from my front door), at the larger lake there are lots of ducks. First visit he went straight in after them. Spent 30 mins following them refusing to come back into shore. I started panicking after a while as he started to go under, I was just getting ready to go in after him (fully dressed!) but he eventually came in, flopped on the floor, then 5 secs later saw another dog and shot off after him, then back in the lake and did it all again. Nutter.

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Our Cairns love the water, too, especially Packy. Seems like he can swim forever and he can certainly swim faster than DH or I! Our Cairns like to fish and regularly pull in small bluegills or occasionally a crappie. Kirby also likes to chase ducks. Sounds like your Jack has a great life and is really growing into his Terrierness!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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