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Tobys hair-is this normal?

sheila and Misty

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sheila and Misty

look st the hair around Tobys face-its not on the side of his face its about an inch thick and resebles a clown collar- does that get bushier with age? am I suppose to let that fill in more -or should it not be there? Mistys and scruffys didnt come out that way-does the courser hair grow differently? Mistys hangs -scruffys looked like alot of your cairns but Toby...7mo.-? any suggestions or comments plwase.


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it's normal growth on many dogs (hard to tell from the picture, but i think it may be the foreward part of his scruff, an ancient and honorable dog/wolf trait), but most groomers (and owners) don't like it. there are ways to get it trimmed/pulled to get rid of the collar effect.

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sheila and Misty
it's normal growth on many dogs (hard to tell from the picture, but i think it may be the foreward part of his scruff, an ancient and honorable dog/wolf trait), but most groomers (and owners) don't like it. there are ways to get it trimmed/pulled to get rid of the collar effect.

If thats the scruff(behind or somewhat down from his ears....does he still have a chance to get a bit fuller face? or guess I wont know that untill hes a year old. At first I thought it was his face filling out -but no.

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my guess would be that the fur on his face lies flat and so looks sparse, and the scruff fur is not only thicker but stands up more, making it look even bigger (that is the handle that momma dogs use to pick up the pups and fling them around).

i think most people try to artfully fluff the face and trim the scruff, to even it out as much as possible. a professional groomer (who knows what cairns are supposed to look like) can take care of it, and i think there are many grooming threads in some of the other departments.

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sheila and Misty
my guess would be that the fur on his face lies flat and so looks sparse, and the scruff fur is not only thicker but stands up more, making it look even bigger (that is the handle that momma dogs use to pick up the pups and fling them around).

i think most people try to artfully fluff the face and trim the scruff, to even it out as much as possible. a professional groomer (who knows what cairns are supposed to look like) can take care of it, and i think there are many grooming threads in some of the other departments.

thanks for your advise.

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Oh my are they both ever darling! They look great!

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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