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Super Bowl Cairn


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There was a GE commercial with the Scarecrow singing, and at the end he's walking on the Yellow Brick Road. I was wondering if they would include Toto in the spot, and sure enough, there was a litte one in the closing scene of the commercial.

If you squint - I do believe that it's a Cairn...


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It looks like a cairn to me...

I saw chips ahoy had a commercial today with an animated toto


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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sheila and Misty

yep and I think cairns are becomming a bit more popular-Ive seen finally tv commercials wiith them and quite a few in magazine advirtising.

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I don't know if any of you watched Puppy Bowl V when it was on Animal Planet on Superbowl Sunday, but there was indeed a shaggy wheaten Cairn in the doggie "tailgaiting" audience. (Not one of the puppies that played, but they showed a dog audience consisting of a poodle, a JRT, and a Cairn along with a few others.) The Cairn was on a lawn chair, barking its head off, and what was really cute was that s/he sat up and begged and also waved. Obviously a very well trained dog. What a treat to see a Cairn!

Also, (maybe off topic) but I enjoy the Dogs 101 show Animal Planet produces. They featured the Westie once; I am hoping they'll do a breed profile of the Cairn.

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yeah I saw piece of puppy bowl V......a cairn barking it s head off? well that never happens lol

Dogs 101 I think they a scottie on there too well they were showing different dog breeds that the past presidents owned


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I watch Dogs 101 also, they do have an episode with the cairns, it aired around the Holidays it was adorable of course, very similar to the Westie one, they did the earth Dog run also.

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