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Early morning snow scene - English style!


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Well, we had some snow overnight. But I guess you folks in USA will not consider this to be real snow!! but Holly enjoyed it - she has been dashing madly round garden............... sniffing the grass and bushes


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I have over a foot of snow here in Surrey - and it's still coming down.

I am thrilled as I really, really have missed the heavy snowfalls in New England. Apart from the fact that I do not own a snow shovel and don't even think there is a place locally that sells them. So I'm out now to begin clearing my driveway with a broom while that is still possible as the snow is relatively light in weight. Rather not have to resort to the garden shovel. This is going to be a two-day job ... arrgghhhhh.

Snow in the garden is too deep for the dogs, but luckily there is a small patch that has been sheltered by the house next door and my husband's workshop where the snow is not very deep. Abby loved the snow last night when it was only about two inches, but now the best she can do in most of the garden is plow through it. Rudi just leaps and jumps and has less of a problem.

Remembering the times now that I had to shovel out a dog track in my backyard so my dogs could go outside. I used to shovel a sort of maze - and my Cairn Zoe used to zoom around it and "attack" my highly tolerant old German Shepherd as she whizzed passed her. Worked well until the Sasha the shepherd was waiting for her and gave her a quick (harmless) warning nip which made Zoe yelp and jump up about two feet in the air in surprise.

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Yes, those "obelisks"/plant stands are for clematis but the clematis I bought died so will have to get new plants in spring! One of the things that appealed to me when I got this house was the fact that I had in effect a "walled garden" and there were some horrible bushes in it but I could do something with it. I got rid of those and planted it up with smaller shrubs and flowers last year before I got Holly 6mths ago. Since I got her it has been a bit neglected but will see how we do in spring anyway. Have some bulbs coming up now too.

Since that picture taken we have had some more snow [not as much as Surrey though!] and Holly has had a another snuffle for hidden treasures under the snow! However, the battery is flat on camera so that is presently charging.

Had a short walk down the road - Holly kept going on other folk's lawns so she could have a snuffle there too - she really liked it when it was snowing on her - kept bouncing and shaking herself with tail wagging like mad!

Will go out again after lunch to give her another chance to walk in the snow!

[should have removed the tea towel though!]


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Interesting! Looks like I'm not the only one whose life is composed of a large

dose of my non-human children and my gardens!

Max and Nelly

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Well, had a walk with Holly after lunch - most of the light touch of snow had cleared but snow she found she was eating! or pushing her nose through it like a snowplough! whilst out it started to snow again and when got back to house it was heavier and is now sticking again - so glad got walk in before this! She did not want to come in though - wanted to dash round garden, but now she is in did not want to stay still whilst I dried her - she wanted to gallop round house! The snow seems to have brought out the "active" Cairn part of her!!

So if the snow continues for longer this time may get a better picture of Holly in it!

ps yes, the garden and Holly are very much part of my life since retiring.


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While we are on the topic of Merry Old England and the British Isles, has anyone thanked you folks lately for creating such wonderful little dogs?

Bless you for sending us all the spunky terriers--especially the Cairn. How much less fun my life would be without these girls of mine.

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sheila and Misty

love your garden area! truly unique! besides the snow you should get a water fountain- or build a waterfall.invite the birds for Holly to play with I thing you and Holly now have enough snow to build a little snowman for your wall!

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Those are great pictures :)

We have family and friends in the UK and they have shared some of their snow pictures with us as well.

Very unusual for the UK to get that much snow, but I'm glad Holly had a great time.



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My husband is from London, his family is in Kent, London, Aldershot, and Shropshire. We got photos and some were able to build a small snowman, I think they got a good few inches. We have snow again today and haven;t seen the pavement since before Christmas, but the dogs love it!!

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Our snow has almost disappeared round here today - some areas still have a lot. Holly spent most of this mornings walk trying to eat the piles of snow we passed! It was also quite icy this morning so she got some slides as well! I managed to keep off the icy patches. This afternoon she is still looking for snow to nibble - told her she is daft - you eat ice in Summer not Winter!

More snow forecast this week for England - we wait and see whether it comes

thank you for kind comments about photos and garden!


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Although I live here in New England (the "New" meaning lots of snow in large amounts for many months of the year) I got so excited watching the photos on CNN of your glorious country and it's rare snowfall.

I'm sure I've mentioned in other posts how much I adore England and everything British and I am determined to visit it before I die! :lol:

Your pics were great and if you ever want Holly to experience a major snowfall event, maybe some downhill sliding or just a snowcoverd Cairn, you are cordially invited to spend some time with us here in CT.

God Bless Mother Nature

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We had more snow this morning, after it nearly disappearing this yesterday. So Holly has had another good time out in garden and on walks today.


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