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Bile stains in carpet


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Again Spencer threw up on the carpet (beige) right by the front door and even though I cleaned it up right away, the stain is still there. I used Biz, carpet shampoo, dog stain cleaner, and then vinegar to remove suds. Does anyone have suggestions????


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I use my wet vac to get mine out...I have a bissell wet vac you could also use some of oxy clean powder and mix it with a bowl of water and get it out .


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I use Kids and Pets from the Walmart cleaning isle. It takes everything out...even permanent marker out of the rug, and its a deodorizer too. I hope you find something that works.

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On bile stains I've found that unless you get to it immediately and soak out all the bile nothing works completely. Reason is that bile is acidic and it actually changes the color of the carpet, permanently. :crybaby:

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I've used something called 'rubbermaid professional line carpet cleaning solution'. It took coffee out of my off white carpet. It has even removed lipstick off carpeting. I found it at walmart but it wasn't in the carept cleaning asile... I think it was by the tools... ask and you'll find it. It's the strongest stuff I've found so far.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Best trick I've ever been taught is that you should saturate the stain with whatever cleanser you prefer and then layer it with paper towels - I usually get it 4 towels thick. Then put down a plastic barrier like a garbage or food bag, then put a pile of heavy books on top, like 5 or more textbooks (or dictionaries, phone books, etc). The plastic bag is just to protect your books, BTW. Every 8 hours or so, take out the paper towel and replace. You will be shocked at how much color comes up. I have used this for bile stains, urine and red wine and it has worked amazingly well. Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Per my professional carpet cleaning guy, you need to use the vinegar first on urine or vomit because both are acidic. Cleaner with any kind of detergent (base) will set the stain permanently so you don't want to use these.

My 17 yr old cat recently peed on a new indoor, floor mat which I immediately washed with laundry detergent. It still smells like urine and can only be used outside the house. She also peed on my embroidered CTCA canvas bag which I washed in the washer with just cold water and lots of white vinegar. It came out perfectly clean and NO odor at all! Yea!!

I use a Bissell Green Machine and in the detergent/water end I mix just water and white vinegar as the cleaner. It works great to clean out the pet accidents.


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I swear by OxyClean powder - the kind you mix yourself or put in the laundry. I mix it with really hot water and saturate the stain. It's gotten up bile, red wine, teenage makeup messes, you name it.

Shelley, Angus and Mickey in Seattle

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