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While I'm away from home


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My husband just informed me last night that whenever I leave the house, Gus just sits at the door waiting for me to return. This is while my husband and two kids are home and active. I'm not sure if I feel touched that Gus is so attached to me, or sad that he is obviously not himself while I'm gone. Anyone else have a similar situation?

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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Thats the beauty of being a dogowner. There is nothing better in the world that a greeting from my dogs..How Iris will gaze lovingly into my eyes as i sit at the computer to work. How Puddles is so independent and not being the lovey dovey dog..Will scream for me as I walk away from her at training. How Dozer will sit next to me on the stairs and lean into me like I may get away from him. They have a certain level of love for thier pack that noone has ever been able to explain.

When he sits there waiting for you..He is doing his job as the faithful companion that he is. That shows how much he depends on your love. And awaits your return.


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and if you are the one that feeds him - then he is worried that you may not come back!! :)

Seriously though, Holly may be fast asleep on floor or sofa, and if I go upstairs to bathroom, or bedroom - she gets up and lies down at foot of stairs* and stares up the stairs as if willing me back down! If I go into lounge and shut her in kitchen, I am liable to fall over her when I go back in as she waits for me right behind the door................................

*[she won't walk up stairs snce faling down a couple! so when we go to bed I carry her! but I keep trying to get her back on stairs]


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I wish the boys were so dedicated...but alas they are not.

You might suggest that someone take her for a walk to get her mind off you being gone.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Oscar is very attached, but less so than when he was younger.

He used to whine and refuse to eat if I left home. (My dad was home)

But now that he's a bigger boy (and has gotten use to me leaving every once in a while) he eats and doesn't whine. Well he whines when I leave at first, but stops. My dad told me that when I'm out he usually lays down in front of the door, or goes to my usual spot on the sofa.

It's funny because when I come home he wags his tail to greet me, and gives a few licks; though when my dad comes home he runs around the house on high speed barking his head off. And proceeds to lick nonstop! (When my dad leaves he doesn't ever mind it, occasionally he'll give off a whine)

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Murphy gets very whiney when I leave for work (and he's home with Dad all day long), and goes NUTS when I come home. I love how happy is is to see me when I return.

This afternoon we were both out and came in at the same time, and he hopped like a bunny all over the yard when we put him outside (all the while barking his fool head off).

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