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Sparky's daily "Welcome Home!" to his Dad


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Click on the following link to see a video of Sparky and how he reacts every day to my DH coming home from work. He gets SO EXCITED. Here's the link:

Also, here's an updated picture of Sparky that I took just a few days ago:


Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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sheila and Misty

thats sweet they do have a way of making us feel like they really missed us-nice to be greeting like that everyday!

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Cairns have the CUTEST butt wag. EVER!

The best feeling in the world is coming home to smoochy faces.

Great Video..Loved it.


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That is very adorable! Tuk does a funny tail wag we've dubbed helicopter tail. When he gets really excited he wags back and forth, then up and down which eventually turns into a circle. Cairn butts are the best butts!

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What a wonderful video. My question is: where is all the squealing that

goes along with the jumping and the wagging? :)

I'm sure you'd prefer your experience to my listening to Olie squeal

for 5 minutes like I have to.

Max and Nelly

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Sparky is more of a grunter than a squealer, except when he's chasing a dog at the park. Then he squeaks and embarrasses me.

I agree with everyone when they say Cairn butts are the best!

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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I was going to ask the same question... how does he not let out one peep???? Our two whine, moan, guttural grunt, attempt to howl and carry on for quite some time.

Sparky is very precious, I thought he was going to wag his little tushy off! Thank your lucky stars he's so polite and quiet!!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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