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Strange behaviour


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We had friends over last night that we haven't seen in years. The dogs did their usual over excited greeting all visiters get but then Susie got all strange and sad. She sat inside watching us out on the patio and wouldn't come out. Then when we went to the other side of the house she cautiously watched us from the grass. She seemed to have taken a dislike to the husband, he didn't do anything but for the whole night she avoided him. I thought maybe he looked like her first human dad who I'm pretty sure didn't treat her to well. Have any of yours taken such a strong dislike to someone? It just seemed so odd cos normally she loves everyone.

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sheila and Misty

not mine, but Ive had a dog not like ME-when I visited my cousin. her bischon always growls at me and backs under her table-I have to try to walk slow and ignor her.. or she will lunge at me...we finally figured out -she doesnt like my cousins husband and he wears dark clothing for work(he must be mean to her)-I wear alot of black-I believe it was some connection. Ive never had a dog not come to me-so she has a problem there. I believe your dog is definately associating him with a not so nice experience-I wouldnt force the issue -as she s around him more it may click that hes ok after all. Let her come to him at her own time.

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