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Cairn window decals?

Jessica H

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Does anyone know what website I could get a nice Cairn sticker for my car? I want something subtle, not something big and colorful. Preferably an outline of a silhouette in just plain black. I want to put in the bottom corner of my rear window but I do not want it to look ridiculous. Even a "cling" would work. I have been searching for a while and all I am coming up with are large bumper stickers and ones that have writing. I want a Cairn and a German Shepherd one for each side.

Any ideas?

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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Wow, Cafe Press has TONS of stuff! You never see that much for Cairns, over 3400 designs!

I also did ebay and I added "decal" to it and I got lots!


Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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sheila and Misty

Theres a site that MAY have them called- totolly oz. - where I purchased cairn stickers for my envelopes one time awhile back,,,could check there.

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Does anyone know what website I could get a nice Cairn sticker for my car? I want something subtle, not something big and colorful. Preferably an outline of a silhouette in just plain black. I want to put in the bottom corner of my rear window but I do not want it to look ridiculous. Even a "cling" would work. I have been searching for a while and all I am coming up with are large bumper stickers and ones that have writing. I want a Cairn and a German Shepherd one for each side.

Any ideas?

Nothing subtle about us!! We got these decals from Cafe Press in case anyone who saw our license plates didn't know what Cairns are!





Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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I think I am going with these 2 from ebay. I like it because there is no back ground and it is black so they will not stand out as much. I may trim the Got Cairn? off, I am not sure yet.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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I saw that mug too, I love it. I was thinking about you when I saw it, I remember talking about their hineys...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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I love that mug! But I have not seen anything like that in England............................. :(


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I love the license plates! I just went crazy on the Caf

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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I found these on Ebay several years ago. They are made with a soft acrylic to look like stained glass. I have 3 on my windows and would do anything to find this woman's site again. They are gorgeous.



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sheila and Misty
I found these on Ebay several years ago. They are made with a soft acrylic to look like stained glass. I have 3 on my windows and would do anything to find this woman's site again. They are gorgeous.

Those are truly unique! Id have a hard time passing those up! good thing I didnt see them we may have been bidding against each other..

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I just found the site for them...


That is a fabulous stuffed Cairn, Sandi. My collection consists of 5 and I'm always looking for more.

We had a great thread awhile back with members showing off all their Cairn terrier collectibles. It's amazing what's out there if you look hard enough. :lol: and of course have the $$$ for it.

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sheila and Misty
I bought this for my daughter's birthday today. She LOVES stuffies, and I know should would love to have a stuffed Louie to take to bed with her, since the real one is too much of a mama's boy to do it.


I dont have any children but I had to have one! cairns are hard to find! glad you showed the site.....oh yeh only 4 left now.

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SJM... we saw that one at a store yesterday, which is what made me want to look around for a wheaten one. We thought that one was adorable. They also had a brindle one that was very red. We agreed the black one could not be anything else BUT a cairn. All the other stuffed dogs were marked except for the cairns. They were just thrown in with the yorkies. LOL

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