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Groomer Who Strips in FL?


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We're down here in Florida for a few more weeks and I know someone (Liz, maybe?) said there's a nice Cairn Terrier club here. What I'm wondering is if there's a groomer in the Daytona area who strips. There's definitely not one where I live in Missouri, so I thought I'd check while I'm down here. Yes, I strip Packy & Kirby myself but I'd really like to see someone do it right so I have a good "pattern" to go by. If they did Packy (he's the worst), I could follow their example with Kirby and then keep at it with Packy.

Thanks in advance if you've got a good lead! Otherwise I guess I'll just call around to some groomers in the area.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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sheila and Misty
:( cant help you-but I too would like to see a hands on but I am not traveling anywhere over an hour to get my dog hand stripped-which is probably what I would have to do. :(
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I just got a cd for Xmas, showing the whole grooming process and I think it is very good because you can go back to the cd and check again if you are unsure about how a certain thing is done. The only drawback is that it is all spoken in Dutch but the way this groomer is moving, that may not be a problem. It is so clear what she is doing! If you visit

www.special grooming.nl you see a sample.

Good luck

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I just said this on another post but I found my stripper (that sounds funny) by a veterinarian referral and the vet was not even my current vet. Could call around to them and maybe they will know someone. I also called almost ALL the groomers and some referred me to other people that do it.

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I take my 2 to Wag's to Riches in Longwood (not too far from Daytona) Dorian handstrips and she is not expensive. It is less thn $100.00 for both of mine and I have been very happy. Send me a PM if you want the phone number

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I am a member of the Central FL Cairn Terrier Club and they are a wonderful club! If you are in central Florida they actually do alot of fun things that everyone can participate in. Yes there is at least one person in the club who does hand stripping as a groomer so send me a PM and I will give you her number.

I also do the newsletter for them. I send it out in PDF form if you want to get a copy via email I will glady add you to the mail out so you can see what the Cairns are doing in FL



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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