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The new fanily portrait!

Jessica H

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The one of the three dogs is lovely but the second one makes me laugh - obviously someone got fed up................ so just a tail shows as they leave the scene!!


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Yes that was Sadie making the escape. I couldn't even get her to sit, Scooter usually does what I tell him to so he just sat there with that face on. He must of been thinking "why are you making me sit next to him?"

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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What is your secret? I can hardly get one to sit still long enough to take a picture. I love how they share their bed! And oh, oh, oh...they are just beautiful...absolutely beautiful!

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Great pictures, Jessica! I know how hard it is to get even our two to sit still for a nice picture, so I can imagine you coaxing & pleading for all three to "sit pretty for just a minute". :thumbsup:


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Photo editing software really needs to add "blue eye reduction" for dogs to their editing menu! I tried using the red eye reduction option once on Gus' photo and it did not work at all. Maybe I will "invent" this and become a millionaire ;)

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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Very cute, I love the head tilt!

Dozers ears match the Cairn ears look.

And the trick to making them sit is TREATS! :)

Liver treats do it for our 2.



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I get the tilted heads by making funny whining noises. It isn't hard to get Scooter to sit still, just tell him stay and Dozer is learning that also. Sadie on the other hand does what she wants, it is Sadie's world and I just live in it...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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sheila and Misty
I finally got all of them in one picture. They have blue eyes but I go the shot...




I realize its off topic-but just out of curiosity-is that just a display behind the dogs or is something living in an aquarium?

Thats really different I like it!

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No that it a propane fireplace with a log kit in it. It is the covered with plastic so it makes it shiny and there are dog nose prints on it so it makes it look like bubbles but it would be a cool place for an aquarium...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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like bubbles but it would be a cool place for an aquarium...

wouldn't it rather warm for fish - regular supply of fried fish however! :D


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