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Squirrel Appreciation Day


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I just got a quick e-mail from a friend notifying me that it is Squirrel Appreciation Day (no kidding - go ahead and google it for yourself!). She wanted to know what I was going to do for my cairns on this special day. How do you think I, Allie and T Bone should appreciate squirrels? I think I know what they would say if I asked them....

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Bailey & Sophie do appreciate the squirrels, because they bury peanuts in our backyard that Bailey & Sophie dig up and eat. And I guess I appreciate all the exercise our fur-kids get chasing the fluffy-tailed rats across the back fence. I just hope they never catch one, or they might appreciate them even more (tastes like chicken!?). :P

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Oh, what Sparky wouldn't give to give the squirrels around here a good appreciation!

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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One thing my trio appreciates is having a bird (squirrel) feeder visible from the sliding glass

door. We have at least three charges a day, led by Teddy, out that door, down the

stairs and straight to the feeder with EVERYONEBARKINGTHEIRFOOLHEADSOFF.

Of course, the squirrels always make it to the trees first...they sure are

fat. Gee I'm glad we have a bird, I mean squirrel feeder. :lol:

Max and Nelly

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sheila and Misty

everyday around here is squirell appreciation day-my two appreciate them every time they see them especially when they give them a good run along the fence!and woulds really appreciate a bunch of them if the wouldnt bean them on the head with nuts and seeds and twigs. ohhhh pity the squirell thats a fraction too slow or too clumsy and slips off that fence!

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My two and the squirrels seem to have devised their own game. The dogs sit on the patio and watch the squirrel come down the tree under the bird feeder to get what falls out. The squirrel is allowed to get a certain distance from the tree base, when squirrel gets that distance, both dogs charge out barking. Squirrel runs up the tree. Dogs turn around and come back to the patio where they sit at attention watching. This game goes on for hours. One day a squirrel tried to jump from one tree to the other across the yard and didn't make it, both dogs were very surprised that squirrels could fall from the sky! By the way the squirrel made to to the fence. By the way my local Wild Birds Unlimited has a corn cob on a bungee cord that you can hang from a tree for the squirrels. I have often looked at it, but always decide it probably wouldn't be healthy for the cairns to be leaping through the air all the time (hard on the ACLs), but I bet it would be entertaining!

MACH3 Red Lion Springin Miss Macho CDX RAE OF ME
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Glenmore Hjour Summer Sun


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One day a squirrel tried to jump from one tree to the other across the yard and didn't make it, both dogs were very surprised that squirrels could fall from the sky!

Last year while we were on a dail walk, just such an event happened. Mett was on his hind legs looking at the squirrel barking- like magic the squirell fell from the sky! Since then Mettwurst will get on his hind legs and bark everytime he sees a squirel in the trees... I think he is trying to get a repeat performance!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I'd say Mettwurst is a optimist!

If Holly sees a squirrel [when we go to the country park just near us] and it runs up a tree she goes round the other side expecting it to run down again!


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