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Working Cairns


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Anyone have a Cairn that helps with chores around the house? Taz lends a hand with the dishwasher "pre-rinse" and will also step into our shower when we're done and help us dry the tiles off:)


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Yes, I have one that is dedicated to ridding the yard of all vermin. You can't see her, she can't be seen, she uses all terrain features in her stealthy quest of her prey. You can, however, enjoy a "Where's Waldo?" puzzle, trying to figure out where the Cairn is in this picture.

Oh yeah, one more time, the squirrel won.


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Yes! Gus does the same thing. I had to put a stop to it because he would try to lick the clean dishes when I was unloading the dishwasher as well!

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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sheila and Misty

Tazes tail looks like Tobys tail with that light spot right in the middle like that- cute pic.!

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Lol, that is cute. Scooter as well helps clean the dishes in the dishwasher and he is teaching Dozer to do the same...

Sadie picks up any crumb that falls, we call her Hoover...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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Be Warned :offtopic:

Gotta love the Fiestaware! I love it! I do a random color section, I don't think I have 1 matching table setting!

If you ever can visit the factory, do! The have a seconds room where items are deeply discounted because of say a scratch, or a fleck of blue glaze on a red dish! I've been three times now and try to limit myself to 100.00...

Oh and the serving pieces the have! I could go on... but won't. Ending my :offtopic:

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Renny earns his keep by pre-cleaning the dishes in the dishwasher too. Since he only does the ones due for a wash, I don't worry too much about it. He does leave the clean ones alone.

He also helps dry my feet and legs when I get out of the tub.

He also keeps the backyard clear of squirrels, bunnies and most birds.

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Sparky does a pre-rinse, too. And not only does he do it here, he also does it at my parent's house, and my husband's parents' house. I let him go at it until we put sharp knives in there. I don't want him to cut his little tongue.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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Okay how many of you out there every saw the boy scout skit "Clean as Three Rivers can get" Every time mine clean a dish my husband and I lol because we were very big in scouting and that was one of our favorite skits

it is about the boys camping at a creek and when asked if the dishes were clean the answer was yes sir Clean as three rivers can get them and at the end of the skit "three rivers" the dogs enters the picture.



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I have one that sabotages the chores we do in the house. As soon as the floor is freshly vacuumed...time to de-stuff something. She also tries to kill the swiffer duster, and I have caught her sneaking into the laundry room to find the refills to kill those too. I wish I had some helpers around the house!

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