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Paper shredder!


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Holly[aged 5] has discovered the post that comes through the letterbox is interesting!

I went upstairs this morning when the post came and was a few moments before coming down............... forgetting to shut door into hall of course. I could hear Holly supposed playing with a toy? But when I came down I had a paperchase across the lounge! It was a credit card bill too! Luckily it was clear one, and one I no longer use but she was having a lovely time with it!! She was not happy when I took it off her................. but I explained that although I did not have pay anything - I did need some of it to check! :(

So now I must put a big notice on the door - remember to shut lounge door and get to post before Holly! Thiough she could make my shredder redundant...........

I am sure someone said they get better as they get beyond 3.............................. mind you in her past life in kennels probably never got the chance to do anything like this or making up lost time! have already had to move library books out of reach [didn't think library wanted ones with chewed corners [as she passed them she would stop and have a nibble where I originally kept them!].



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I am sure someone said they get better as they get beyond 3..............................

They key word being "better", not perfect! :lol:

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Abby and Rudi are both about six years old and the post does not stand a chance in my house!

Around about 11 am every morning you can hear me shouting "DON'T RIP!!!".

You would think I would learn and get a cage for the letter slot on my front door.

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Mine can shred a paper napkin so fast we sometimes give her one just to laugh. Any paper will do you are right I should just let her shred all the junk mail.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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With my Cairn ...it is tissues !!! When I go for a shower I have to watch him getting into the waste basket !

Cairns are like potato chips , you cannot have just one....

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Holly has obviously decided paper is better than toys.................. this afternoon she started on the telephone directory! not happy when I took it away from her. She likes tissues too.....................they make a very pretty effect don't they when bits are all over the floor and vacuum does not pick them up as being damp they stick!!

Yes she definitely showing she is a Cairn now!

but I still love her.............. how can your resist it when she looks at you with those big brown eyes as if to say I am having fun Mum!

[and she is making sure I am a lot tidier these days!]


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Just be glad that she hasn't learned the smell of paper money! Just last week Mettwurst jumped and removed a five dollar bill right from my hand!... He had it in two pieces faster than you can say @#%$ %^&^!

Yes, Metty likes the smell of money, and likes the shredding qualities of it.... Thankfully the bank will deposit tapped up money!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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