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Hello everyone,

I've found this forum a while ago after we got our 1st Cairn, Mulligan (or maybe he got us). Mulligan was about 8 weeks old then, and is 2 now. Wow, has it been interesting.

We had no idea that Cairns have so much energy. I think Mulligan can run circles around most other dogs. We went through a lot of training, and Mulligan even got his Canine Good Citizen award. I think it was a very lucky day when he took his test, because he's so stubborn on the leash you'd never know he had any training at all. Mulligan has taught us that even with all of the challenges, we are Cairn people. So, we got Mulligan a buddy, Sullivan! Sully (as I call him) also has a lot of energy, but is a little different than Mulligan. Sully is more cuddly, licks more, and was so easy to house train. In fact, since we got him in early December, Sully has been mostly done with house training for the last couple of weeks. We know that when he goes to the door it's really time to go! Sorry to be so long, it's just nice to read and now share with other Cairn folks. Here's a photo of Mulligan and Sullivan. Thanks for reading and we are looking forward to sharing more Cairn stuff on this forum!


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sheila and Misty

Hi we welcome you too! cute picture! They look like good buddies..and smiling for the picture yet!

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Welcome to the Forum! Mulligan & Sully are great looking Cairns, and it's easy to see that you've become enamored with the breed. You've discovered that the only thing better than a Cairn is 2 Cairns (or 3, or 4)!! They look a lot alike, but as you've found out they all have their own personalities. Our Bailey is a cuddler, who loves belly rubs & giving kisses, while Sophie is more aloof and tentative around people. She will sit still as long as you are constantly petting & scratching her, but she never will lay with you and completely relax or fall asleep. Bailey, on the other hand, loves to get on the sofa with you, cover up with an afghan, and take long naps. It's nice to have you with us, please keep us posted on the adventures of Mulligan & Sully.

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Welcome and enjoy!! Your two are darling, love the names too

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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