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bad daddy

sheila and Misty

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Toby and Misty know just who to go to when they want a treat! My dad is the same way with Sparky. He can't resist!

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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sheila and Misty
Oh you wives with your lectures! I hear the same thing but how can you resist those faces???? Huh???

oh no ...you have it all wrong. I dont mind the feeding-its the feeding FROM the Table thing-I dont want them begging company while they are sitting at the table thats all. he can get up and drop it in their dish when hes finished.

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LOL thats what my husband says...I can't resist their too cute LMAO


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I am naughty too......................... a pathetic little face gazing at me from the side of my chair and I am unable to resisit!! I do try though.................... :whistle:


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Our guys don't really beg because we never, ever hand feed them from the table, or even give them popcorn while watching a movie. However ... all is not lost for the wee beggars. Peggy will always save one popped corn per dog and take them back to the kitchen to bestow their treat. Likewise each dog gets a microscopic finger-lick of cappuccino foam in the morning. And the occasional tiny scrap may accidentally fall from the cutting board. As a result, you don't need to wear slippers in our kitchen as there is always a warm and hopeful dog close by and underfoot.

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As a result, you don't need to wear slippers in our kitchen as there is always a warm and hopeful dog close by and underfoot.

LOL! That's Oscar!

Sunday mornings we always have fresh french bread, once Oscar hears it being cut he sprints to catch any crumbs.

Who needs slippers, or brooms for that matter?!

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My husband and the kids are all actually pretty good. Can't complain a bit since I made the rule "no feeding people food - period". But....

Guess who feeds Riley people food? Yes, you guessed it....

ME! :devil:

I love to give him tidbits while I am preparing food. We eat alot of fresh vegies every day and I like to give a bit or so to Riley while cutting vegies and meat. He is right by me while cooking too so I don't have to worry that he is off peeing on the floor somewhere!

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