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cairn snow paths

sheila and Misty

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sheila and Misty


t=3092:winter_o9_017.JPG]post-2491-1232331449_thumb.jpgyes! we finally got some snow.This is usually what we do all over our yard for the dogs good excercise too for me! not deep enough to show the true paths but you can get the idea-they love it! how come my posts always come out goofy? what am I doing wrong?


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I should be the LAST person to ask about posting pics.... :whistle:

But I found it helpful to save them on my computer, edit them, resize them and either go with a hosting site like Photobucket or else download them from your computer.

I have deleted/edited more pics in my posts than you can imagine.

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I'm soo not very computer savy, but I was thinking...do you put the pics in first and then type? That's my only guess, if you do, try typing the message first then adding the photos. Either way, the pictures are adorable and we got the message with it so no biggie!

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sheila and Misty
I'm soo not very computer savy, but I was thinking...do you put the pics in first and then type? That's my only guess, if you do, try typing the message first then adding the photos. Either way, the pictures are adorable and we got the message with it so no biggie!

I think I tried both ways ..and when I add my pictures-they seem to just plop all over the place-go figure.

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I'm soo not very computer savy, but I was thinking...do you put the pics in first and then type? That's my only guess, if you do, try typing the message first then adding the photos. Either way, the pictures are adorable and we got the message with it so no biggie!

I think I tried both ways ..and when I add my pictures-they seem to just plop all over the place-go figure.

Be aware of where your cursor is in your post before you add the picture, that's where the picture will show up!


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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sheila and Misty
I'm soo not very computer savy, but I was thinking...do you put the pics in first and then type? That's my only guess, if you do, try typing the message first then adding the photos. Either way, the pictures are adorable and we got the message with it so no biggie!

I think I tried both ways ..and when I add my pictures-they seem to just plop all over the place-go figure.

Be aware of where your cursor is in your post before you add the picture, that's where the picture will show up!


ooooooohhhhh....thanks-Ill remember that for next time..no gaurantees tho.

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I love snow paths, I call them racetracks. I dig out mazes all throughout the lawn. We have gotten another12" since I took this picture. This was the first snowfall of the year.


Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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yes! we finally got some snow.This is usually what we do all over our yard for the dogs good excercise too for me! not deep enough to show the true paths but you can get the idea-they love it! how come my posts always come out goofy? what am I doing wrong?

I love these pics! But your self-denigrating comment did provide some interesting

and useful responses didn't it? By the bye, what is Misty rolling along in the snow

in that last one?

Max and Nelly

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sheila and Misty
yes! we finally got some snow.This is usually what we do all over our yard for the dogs good excercise too for me! not deep enough to show the true paths but you can get the idea-they love it! how come my posts always come out goofy? what am I doing wrong?

I love these pics! But your self-denigrating comment did provide some interesting

and useful responses didn't it? By the bye, what is Misty rolling along in the snow

in that last one?

I believe its her deflted soccor ball-she has a football too and other whatevers that we partially defate so she can pick them up! :thumbsup: she at that point just found it aand was rolling it down the path-oh what treasures lie beneath the snow!-even frozen treats sometimes..done purposely to keep them out for a bit.

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Misty looks very intent as she rolls that ball in the snow - what a lovely idea - the paths and toys to find!


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We've quit digging paths. My goofy dog has no interest in the areas where the snow has been cleared. He loves to bound through the snow and make his own paths. He also likes to try to climb the piles and sometimes sinks in. It is pretty ridiculous! Here's a pic of him trudging through snow that was about a foot deep.


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sheila and Misty
We've quit digging paths. My goofy dog has no interest in the areas where the snow has been cleared. He loves to bound through the snow and make his own paths. He also likes to try to climb the piles and sometimes sinks in. It is pretty ridiculous! Here's a pic of him trudging through snow that was about a foot deep.


OMG that is soo cute.

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Love all the snow pics! If I could post, I'd show mine. Scottie speeds around the dog yard, where paths run around the perimeter & diagonally (spelling?!). I do not shovel them, though. (Enough strain on my back with the regular snow work.) I use my snowshoes to make paths (to the fuel tanks, too -- my delivery guys love me). With as much snow as we've had in Vermont this winter, the "paths" are close to tunnels at this point. Scottie will occasionally blast through loose snow, but he loves to run the tracks.

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sheila and Misty
Love all the snow pics! If I could post, I'd show mine. Scottie speeds around the dog yard, where paths run around the perimeter & diagonally (spelling?!). I do not shovel them, though. (Enough strain on my back with the regular snow work.) I use my snowshoes to make paths (to the fuel tanks, too -- my delivery guys love me). With as much snow as we've had in Vermont this winter, the "paths" are close to tunnels at this point. Scottie will occasionally blast through loose snow, but he loves to run the tracks.

:offtopic: ah vermont-cold and snow!and little shops-thats one place I would love to visit!

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