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Puppy Bowl 2009

Jessica H

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Just saw the add on Animal Planet. Puppy Bowl is on Sunday, Feb 1st at 3pm E/P. There will be a kitten half time show.

Looks like there was a Cairn sitting on a chair in the add...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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Since I'm not a football fan, I'll definitely be setting the DVR for Puppy Bowl. I do hope ther is a Cairn in it again this year. They had a Cairn two years ago and he was a lot of fun to watch.

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sheila and Misty

I seen that once but cant remember what channel it was on-Im going to look out for it-I dont care for football either but if a cairn is there I may watch it. dont know if we have an E/P station here or if its called something eles.

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If it's like the last several years, they will rerun it back to back for most of the day, so if you don't catch the first showing, you still have several more chances. I TIVO it and watch it 15 or 30 minutes at a time over a couple of days. As cute as it is, my attention span wouldn't last for the entire show in one sitting, so I spread it out.

For those that missed it, I think it was 2 years ago that they had a Cairn puppy on. In fact, I think the owner was a member of this group.

The Cairn was quite young compared to some of the other dogs, and at first sort of sat along the side out of the way with a sort of "Look at those other idiots out there. I'm too dignified for that stuff" look about him.

After a bit, a pair of larger puppies ( brother and sister Chow's if I remember right) started picking on the Cairn. It took awhile for the Cairn to get into the act, but once he got into it, he really got going. His favorite tactic was to sort of bow down in front of one of the larger dogs and scoot under the other dog. Then he would rise up suddenly and flip the bigger dog onto his back. He did this several times and it was a lot of fun to watch.

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