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COLD weather, even too cold for Sadie!

Jessica H

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I woke up the other morning and checked my thermometer outside which read -21 degrees!!!! It has been averaging about 0 degrees at night and 15 degrees during the day but COME ON!!!! That was ridiculous. I was happy when I woke up yesterday and it was -6 out, lol. Scooter is usually ok, Sadie is usually fine, Dozer thinks its great. I let them out when we woke up, then before I left I always let them out again, Sadie was curled up in the down comforter and refused to get up, she knew how cold it was. For the first time since puppies I put a pee pee pad down for them and they used it (I had to take it out, who wants to pee outside in -21 degrees, besides dozer)?

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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When it gets below zero here, Renny will actually go out, take care of "business" and be ready to go back in. Any other time, he has to patrol the fence, and generally goof off for about 10 minutes first. So that's about the only good thing about super cold weather. It's "go out, go potty, go in".

If we have more than a couple of inches of snow, he won't "go" until I clear a couple of areas in the yard for him.

If the weather stays cold or we have a lot of snow, our walks are short and if he doesn't "go" along the way, I turn him loose in the yard and give him time to pee or poop before going back inside. During these times he will make up for the lack of his usual exercise by running back and forth at top speed until he's winded. Then he's ready to go back in the house.

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