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i've read that Cairns are normally independent...


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but ours is VERY needy, constantly wants attention and to be with us. Loves to be held and could do so for hours.

That is just fine and my family gives him all the attention we can. We are starting to wonder if he would be happier with a companion. Do Cairns do well in pairs?

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my impression is yes, they do. my dog is a singleton and seems to do well with it, but there are so many pairs and triples here that it must work very well.

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Sadie is very needy, loves to be with me. I cannot do anything without her (on her choice). Her and Scooter LOVE each other. They are best friends. I got Sadie when Scooter was about 8 months old. Most people say to wait until your dog is older so you can bond with them but I have read that a lot of people have problems with little squabbles also. In 5 years my dogs have never even though about fighting with each other, they are inseparable, they are cuddling on the couch right now. When I bring them to the groomers or vet Sadie hides behind Scooter, like he is her big brother protecting her. I love it, it is the best thing I ever did. Your dog does not seem to have a problem bonding with you.

Yes 2 dogs are a little more work but its not bad at all, it was so easy to me I added a German Shepherd puppy and I am hoping they bond to him like they have with each other but I really do not think that is possible...

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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sheila and Misty

our two are excellent together! Took some of mine and larrys play time away(boo hoo) they mostly get the energy out with each other-especially my two up untill now where they play with us briefly and each wants out attention at times -but for the most part keep each other occupied-I get more done none I just kindof keep an eye on them instead of always on the floor or having to chase or be chased. Its great for us-we love it! My favorite part is that they play together soo much -they both crash around the same time and will nap for a good hour or two a few times a day-and by evening-now they are both on the same play sleep schedual so they for the most part sleep all night!! we leave them both a;lone free run of the house for up to 6hours one day a week when we visit mom-no more back and forth soon we will wean Toby into the full 8hours. everything seems to be foalling nicely into place-I feel very fortunate. It may be worth looking into if you have the first one knowing al the rules.

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I think the "independent" thing relates to attitude. As a rule, Cairns don't tend to be as slavish to human attention as some breeds. Ours take their time coming for pets and strokes, once satisfied, they get up and find another spot to lay around. It isn't that they aren't affectionate, it is that they are less obvious about it all.

We have had some that were, frankly, standoffish when it came to us or anyone. Sort of into their own thing.

Ours self entertain as well.

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angel likes to be held too...she pretty much wants all the attention all the time...Scotty is alot more independent than her. Angel likes to play with other dogs and humans where scotty is more interested in playing with a ball or frisbee. we got scotty when angel was 7 months old but they are actually only 3 months apart. the are constantly playing together..we have had very few fights (about 3 EVER in about last 2.5years). it was nice when they were getting potty trained b/c they would both go at the same time, they sleep on each other alot too...even though angel is alot smaller than scotty she sometimes treats him like shes the Queen B and he is the court jester.


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Ours love attention -- on their terms. In general, they're pretty independent but when they want attention, they're real love bugs. We've had Kirby now for 4 months and he and Packy are great friends. When Kirby was gone overnight for his neutering, Packy walked around looking for him. And really, it's not that much more trouble having two than it is just one. Just like everyone here said!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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