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Little things we love about our Cairns


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Reading this forum has really helped me get to know the Cairn Nature, and the more my husband and I know the more we can just accept and enjoy our sweet little dog. We keep working on "Come" and "Sit- Stay", but the pressure is off and what do you know--he's settling down and responding better and better. The journey and not the destination and all that..

So, having said all that I thought it would be fun to hear what it is about your little guys and gals that melts your hearts and makes you laugh out loud. Here are some of the things I love...

I love the way he does a little hop to "help" me as I pick him up--almost like he's jumping up into my arms...

I love how he snuggles with my husband just before the alarm goes off--I love that they are really bonding....

I love when he gets all snarky and looks like a fierce toothsome teddy bear...doing the paw thing and prancing around, ears forward...

I love how he "hides" his chewies all over the house...behind our chair, by our shoes...he thinks he's so sneaky!

I love his ears--they're soo expressive...

and one more--his little paw pads...like little blackberries...

Okay--let's hear what melts your hearts and makes you laugh!


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sheila and Misty

too long to list-for theres nothing I dont like even down to the cute little dingle berry that occasionally needs trimmed off. :whistle: (ok I got carried away)

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Definately too many to list, plus I get all emotional and cry. But last night gave me a good one. My DS woke up with terrible stomach bug so I ended up sleeping on the floor in his room. Each time on the way back from the bathroom Tuky would beat me to the bedroom and lay on top the blanket, then look at me like I was stealing HIS bed when I would try to get him off so I could cover up. After I got covered (with a too small blanket) he would lay on my feet keeping me warm. I'm was thinking true Cairn, first be a bugger, then be a sweetie!

BTW, I love the bunny hop, especially when he makes little grrry sounds while doing it.

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I LOVE the way Harry wags his tail and howls like a hound dog when he is- oh so happy !.

I also love the way he looks fierce and thinks he is a BIG SCARY DOG when he feels he must protect us.

He is quite the character, what personalities these dogs have!. :lol:

YUP.... I am hooked!.

Cairns are like potato chips , you cannot have just one....

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Louie does that little hop too when I pick him up! I just love it.

I must say that I've never taken noticed of a dog's butt before, but Cairns have the CUTEST little hineys!! I don't know what makes them so cute, but even my sisters commented how cute his butt is. When he's in something like a basket, digging for a toy, and all you see is his little tush. Ugh I could just die.

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I love how happy Riley is ALL THE TIME...even when he's in trouble...he's always happy!

I love how he lays on my husbands spot in bed when he gets up or hasn't come to bed yet. Once hubby comes in, Riley moves. I love it when I leave the bed he takes my spot!

I love how his thick fur feels.

I love when he licks me (it sure beats getting nipped at)

I love how he lays down and looks up at me with puppy eyes when I am going to take him out of his playpen.

Well, you guys are right...to much to list.

I don't quite love the dingle berries though...maybe I'll grow to love them! :wub:

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We have such a long list of things we love about them and they never fail to make us laugh at least once or twice a day but Jezzy has added a new trick to her act that is hilarious. My DH often falls asleep in the recliner watching TV and eventually starts snoring. Jezzy can only stand this for a few minutes before she goes over to the recliner, whining and pawing intensly at his arm until she manages to wake him up. After he wakes and stops snoring she quiets down and returns to her own buisness. At first I thought it was just a funny, one time event but she does it every time he falls asleep in the chair and snores. I told my DH, maybe she Should sleep in the bed with us lol.

If you want the best seat in the house, move the dog.

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Do your Cairns sigh? Everyone we have had always sigh when they finally lay down in our laps. Just one little exhale. I notice even our puppy does it.

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I must say that I've never taken noticed of a dog's butt before, but Cairns have the CUTEST little hineys!! I don't know what makes them so cute, but even my sisters commented how cute his butt is. When he's in something like a basket, digging for a toy, and all you see is his little tush. Ugh I could just die.

Yes, Cairn butts are the cutest, especially with those little flag pole tails sticking straight up! Sophie has really thick hair around her rear-end, and it kind of poufs out on both sides, so we call her "Bubble-butt". Gotta love it!! :wub:

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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ordinaryseawomn, that little hop is kind of a subtle thing really but I totally agree - it gives me a tiny spasm of joy every single time.

I think my favorite thing is a sound. When I get up in the night and all is still and quiet ... and then, when I return to bed perhaps moments later, in the pitch-black darkness, the thump*thump*thump of Haggis' wagging tail reminds me that someone is watching over me and that I am loved.

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Oh dear, like others there are many things that I love about my Holly.

I love the fact that she she always happy!

But something that has struck me recently is that I love the fact that at times she can appear to understand what I am saying to her! Like. when we go in lounge and I am reading - she will come and stand in front of me, tail waving, and I ask if she wants to come and sleep on sofa with me? so she reverses herself towards my legs so that I can pick her up easily and sit her next to me! or she wanders off as if to say no! She is so clever!

But other times her hearing is selective and she ignores what I say!!


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i love the fact that my dog struggles so lovingly to live a life he wasn't bred for. he was bred to work outdoors, on his own, and fight vermin to the death. but he lives indoors, tries to live as a companion dog, maybe even as a lapdog. it isn't easy or natural for cairns, but most learn do it, and do it well, just because they love us.

and i love that he hears and answers what i mean and not what i say. sometimes it is frustrating, but cairns will never be sincerely convinced that commands count for very much. they can fake it well, especially for company, but i know from the look in his eyes he doesn't think commands are anything to take seriously. but he's willing to put on a show just to make me look good. what a guy.

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DH and I were discussing this and decided together we love the way when they stretch, their front paws go out and come together as they bring them back to their faces; looks like a quick prayer to us.

The way they burp and rub their faces in satisfaction of a meal made just for them (we make their food + add dry).

Whenever one of us leaves a room they come looking for us, seems to just make sure that we are safe.

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Alpha B, here.

I like the morning yoga stretches, too. -_-

I like how Eli is independent enough that he does not suffer separation anxiety while I am away. :king:

I like how I can tell exactly what he is thinking by his expression and body language. <_<

I like the agreement we have worked out so we can live together in harmony. Eli refuses to do any tricks :whistle: , but he totally does not pee or poop in the house and he does not chomp my stuff :halo: . I can live just fine with that! :thumbsup:

Alpha B

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I like the fact that they are so helpful around the house! No longer having to pre-wash dishes has been of great assistance to us.


Before you gasp and gag too much--we have stopped the practice!

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There are so many things about this little Cairn I love, that I don't have the time to name them all - and you all have said so many of them!


I've been sick for a couple of days, and my normally independent Murphy has stuck really close to me and has been unusually snuggly. I guess he knows that his Mommy needs some extra love and attention. :wub:

Oh, and we also get the "hop" help too - it's just darling!

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Ahh! I saw that picture of the dishwasher and for a minute there I thought someone had somehow taken a picture of Sparky! He does the same thing, even though I try to get him to stop!

I love how he falls asleep on my chest, or by my side, or in the car on the way home from a hard day at the dog park.

I love how he crawls all around the floor on his stomach, with a toy in his mouth, and he's just crawling and shaking that toy. It's even cuter when the toy squeaks.

I love how he chases another dog or my niece and he gets to into it that he forgets himself and starts squeaking in a high-pitched little squeal.

I love how everyone points at him at the dog park as he prances by because he's so cute.

I love how he gets jealous when I pay attention to other dogs, and he drops what he's doing to come back and make sure he's still my favorite.

I love how he sprawls out as much as possible when he sleeps on the couch, and how he curls up tight enough to put his muzzle under his leg in his crate.

I also get the "hop" help, too, and it melts my heart!

Oh! And I can't forget how much I love it when Sparky talks in his sleep!

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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I read somewhere that Cairns are little clowns and busybodies. Murphy is definitely both.

I love the way he trots slowly around the family room, checking things out, like a little busybody.

My Murphy does the little hop as I pick him up, as so many of you have described. It feels he is hopping straight into my heart! :wub:

He is quite vocal. Each morning, after he and I get out of bed, he picks up one of his toys, trots back to the bedroom as only a Cairn can trot, and lovingly "growls" good morning to his dad, with the toy held in his mouth. We don't know why he does this. It is not aggressive at all, it's more "Man to Man" communication. In fact, when I put a belly band on Murphy the other day to keep him from marking (he is still new to us), my husband said, "Don't call that a belly band, call it his Man-pants." I laughed out loud at both of them. My two macho men. :thumbsup:

I also love his slow motion yoga stretches and somersaults. :lol: Definitely clown-like when he somersaults.

I like the way he lowers his head and shoulders and rests them on my lap while his hind end is still standing! :huh:

I love how he sits up on his haunches just like a chipmunk and balances perfectly 'til he gets his treat. I have never seen a dog with this kind of balance. Ever.

I love the way he climbs up on Gracie's (our black Lab) back when she is resting on the floor, and falls asleep there, draped over her. This is so cute...and definitely one of his clown tricks.

Yes, my Murphy also does the combat crawl on his stomach.

I love the way he looks at me when he wants a bite of my dinner. He has a "I know I just ate but I am the hungriest little Cairn in the world, mom!" look on his face. Simply irresistible.

I adore the many little sounds he makes when he talks in his sleep.

And I particularly love how he is always snuggling up to me when he is tired or needs a quick nap. He is a lovebug!

Oh, and he has the cutest little wiggle butt walk we have ever seen! We love to watch him walk away from us!!

Murphy's the Man!!!

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I laugh because at least I know I am not the only one who thinks this way...

Napoleon does the bowing bit paws together face down butt up, it my favorite he does it when wwe are getting ready to go for a walk.

He also has learned to let me know how unhappy he is when I leave for work, although he does not do it in front of me, my DD tells me that everyday when I walk out the door he goes to get his favrite toy and walks around with it in his mouth whimpering. After a while, he just puts it down and does a big howl like a coyote!!

I am glad I'm not there because I would be crying!!

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There are so many adorable things that Lucy does every day that melt my heart. The few that stand out the most are:

The way she uses her front paws to chew her toys and chew sticks...........like a little raccoon.

When she gets something that she knows is forbidden, she loves to make sure we see her with it in hopes that someone will chase her.

Her morning roll in the grass looks like it feels soooo good.

The way she hops on our legs when we get home, she's so happy to see whoever was gone.

I love when she's laying on the couch relaxing with a chew toy and she gets the hiccups...............awwwww, she's seriously so cute.

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Yup, the little hop into your arms to help you out -- love it.

  • Laying all stretched out with their back legs out behind them and their front legs out front.
  • When they walk by me and hardle pause but I still get a little lick on the bare legs in the summer.
  • How Packy won't leave my side when I'm sick. Kirby is trying, but he doesn't have the patience for it yet.
  • When they give me "The Paw" (almost like tapping me on the shoulder) when they want to be petted.
  • How they wag their tail at me if I've been gone more than 5 minutes.

Too many things to list. We love our boys!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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I don't think I can add anything to what has already been said...

We are truly blessed having such a wonderful breed in our lives. I cannot ever imagine life without them in it.

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