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natural flea killer


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I dont want to give her frontline cause i hear its poision...does anyone have success with something that is natural that will kill fleas.

Thank you for your help

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sheila and Misty
I dont want to give her frontline cause i hear its poision...does anyone have success with something that is natural that will kill fleas.

Thank you for your help

never really looked that info up-my aunt use to pick through her dogs coat with an alcohol soaked cotton ball and nailed them as she saw them-one by one....knocks the little buggers out fast-Ive tried it.!

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I'm sure you'll get some info from people who use natural methods for flea protection, but we've used Frontline Plus for years with absolutely no ill effects on our 2 dogs.

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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We just bought this book for my SIL cause she had a flea problem and didn't like all the chemicals. Eco Dog: Healthy Living for Your Pet, if you look it up on Barnes and Noble website you get all the info. They had an all natural dry flea powder in their along with all natural shampoo/conditioner and a bunch of other cool ideas. I don't know if it works cause we just gave it to her, but it could be worth a try.

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I'll be interested to see what ideas come up here. We just bought a 6 pack of Frontline Plus at our vet's office and it was $99! And with 2 dogs we go through it twice as fast now -- YIKES! We have them on all year long because we go to Florida in the winter (flea city!) and need it at home during the other months. I'm going to start looking online for a less expensive source.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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I have heard of the yeast tablets and also Apple cider vinegar I have heard wards them off pretty good. I just started adding a teaspoon of ACV to their water once a day. From what I have read it keep lots of pesky problems at bay.


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I was told that garlic is very good for warding off fleas................. troubkle is it wards me off Holly when I smell it! :)


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