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Dozer pictures!

Jessica H

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I know he is not a Cairn but he is my new addition and I am starting to love him just as much as them.. He is fitting in great with Scoot and Sadie. Sadie is the boss now (even though Sadie weighs 30lbs less than him). Sadie is so funny because she lets him now how it is going to be, she stands under him and looks up at him to stare him down and she ALWAYS wins (even tug of war after she has been dragged around)

He is 4 months old now and he is great! Has been housebroken for a month and not had 1 accident since then (even when I am at work). Scooter and Sadie show him bad things to do such as jumping up to see what is on the counter (but Dozer can actually take stuff so it is teamwork). I am trying to keep him from picking up their bad habits. It is amazing how breeds can be so different. The vet thinks he will be about 100-120lbs.

Here are some pictures from a few weeks ago (it was really cold so Scoot and Sadie were inside). He has gains about 5lbs since then.




Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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sheila and Misty

wow hes big already! and he has a friendly look-is he getting the drama head tilt from your cairns? I dont know hardly any bigger breeds that do that. and your like me -I can love any animal(I have my dogpreferences) but still if someone handed me an abandoned ugliest dog in the world-I would love it.

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I do think he looks to be a lovely dog - but the head tilt is not just Cairns Sheila. My friend's Irish Terrier pup does the same rather quizical look when she is working out what you may be going to do or what mischief she may next consider!


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sheila and Misty
I do think he looks to be a lovely dog - but the head tilt is not just Cairns Sheila. My friend's Irish Terrier pup does the same rather quizical look when she is working out what you may be going to do or what mischief she may next consider!

but its a terrier again-Im talking big dogs!

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but its a terrier again-Im talking big dogs!

oh, I just thought you meant anything bigger than a Cairn!! Paddy [irish Terror] can jump or walk over Holly!! but Holly is boss when they get together!


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Cairn or not, all dogs are wonderful creatures at heart. Looks like a rambunctious enough guy for a Cairn family! Neat pictures.

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