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Why did I go to my city's animal control site?!?

They have a cairn/ cairn mix there. He's scraggly and cute. I do not have the room or money for another dog! But, he's there and sad :( I also want to enjoy my Louie before adding another dog.

I reported him to my local cairn rescue, hopefully they'll pick him up. I worry though, he's been there for a few days, and I don;'t know how much longer he has. Should I call and ask? I'm torn. Dh wouldn't mind, but we live in a townhome.


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What did the rescue place say when you contacted them? How old is the dog? Where do you live? Maybe another poster here can take him. I would if I live close to you!

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As far as living in a townhome, I lived with two Cairns in one of those

for many years. It really is enough room...especially if you chase up and

down the stairs.

Keep us posted.

Max and Nelly

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Oh, I can see why you were tempted by him, he is appealing .............. but consider very carefully!


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Ok, so I went to check him out and offer my name and number so that if they had to put him to sleep, then they could call me, and then I'd come get him. Luckily though, he had been adopted!! :D

I must say... I've been to a lot of shelters/humane societies/animal control centers and this was BY FAR the cleanest facility I have ever seen. It did not smell like animals at all and they had a lot of them. Those people there are dedicated! All the dogs have cots so that they have a raised platform to sleep on instead of sleeping on the cold floor. On my way out I mentioned how impressed I was, that I didn't have to cover my nose once. LOL They were just so pleased that I complimented them. It's got to be a tough job, you have to work there to love animals, but then it's not always a happy ending.

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oh, you won't believe this. a few nights ago i saw that SAME picture. i looked at a lot of the adoptables here and there (i have the same dilemma as you) and that one picture just absolutely haunted me. the other dogs were in these domestic settings, here was this poor guy in empty shell. the look on his face went right through me, and i felt this lovely little fellow was doomed .i thought he was in a kill shelter. i don't live anywhere around where he was located, so there was never any hope i could actually help him. but i couldn't get his face out of my mind. so many of the cases looked very hopeful, but this guy... i thought he was doomed, that's all i can say.

i was so ecstatic to see the face in your link.

you know, the word "doom" has two meanings, one of which we moderns have lost. it just means "fated" --for good or for ill.

i am so happy.

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He is really, really cute. I can see why you were tempted. He actually does look sad like he is just saying "please, please take me home...I am sooo scared!" I am glad this had a nice ending.

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When I went to the link, his photo popped up at me, my heart sunk! What a darling sad looking face. Then it say's wont you adopt me.

I'm so glad to hear he was adopted. If I was there and saw him, I too, would of considered. I think he would of left with me as that face just stayed with me.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Oh that picture killed me, I am so happy that he got adopted. I have my Max (cairn/jack mix?) from walking into a pound and getting that sad look from a dog that was blind in one eye.

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