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Fudgie "finally" lived up to her name!


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Last week, Fudgie lived up to her name. We had always wondered why she was named Fudgie and where it came from. Now we know. I took Fudgie to the vet to get started on allergy testing. We were told to wait until winter, as that is the best time to test. The tests consists of taking a few vials of blood and sending it of and having the blood tested. We showed up early for our appointment and had time to take care of business outside the office. Then we went in and shakingly waited our turn. The vet is a very nice man and is so good with Fudgie. We went into the room and I put her up on the table. His assistant held her and petted her while the vet got ready. Then he petted her and made friends. All of a sudden, he poked the needle quickly into her front chest to get the blood drawn. As quick as he poked the needle into the front of her, she pooped a little fudgie out of the back of her! Just like that, poke.....poop!! I laughed myself silly over it and they got pretty tickled too! So now you know why my little cairn is named Fudgie!

And while I am confessing, I might as well tell you about our bully stick experience. I read the post on bully sticks and how great they were. So, I go out and buy one. This is before I read the added posts on what they were. I was proud of myself for buying this wonderful treat for Fudgie and though maybe I should share it with my mom's older dog too. i am just too nice for my own good. I took the bully stick and went to her house for my afternoon coffee and the doggies afternoon treats. They usually have a chicken jerky, but NOOOO, today they are getting the most wonderful best treat in the word......a bully stick. I only bought one, because I wanted to make sure they liked them before I bought more. After I got to her house, I got out a large knife to cut it in half for them. I had this across my legs sawing it in half. It took a long time to saw it in half and the dogs were jumping around me all excited. Hurry up and cut it! We cant' wait!! So, there I sat, for 20 minutes or so, sawing this bully stick in half and bending it to break it a little and then saw some more, over and over until it was finally in half. I gave it to the dogs and off they excitedly went to enjoy their bully stick (which they did). The next day, I read the follow ups on the bully stick post, and there right in front of me is the definition of what a bully stick is! "Bully Sticks are 100% Bull penises," I sat there for 20 minutes trying saw and hack a bull penis in half so I could share it between my two favorite dogs! What have I become!

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Love both stories! Think Fudgie sounds a real character! At least she expresses her feelings! :whistle:


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sheila and Misty

That is all too funny :D OMG I probably would have laughed so hard I may have had an accident myself.

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Too funny! I just can't imagine sawing that in half! You must of had a heck of a time, Its like cutting threw bricks. Kramer loves them, I tell DH oh he likes it, plus good for his teeth.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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