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Idaho Cairns

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By way of introduction, let me introduce, on the left--Bonnie Belle 9/28/2008 and Sammi 08/01/2004. We are quite, quite formal around here so Bonnie Belle had to be sworn in to the "Cairn Oath" just as soon as we could get her attention. The following is the official ceremonial photo. Enjoy


"Raise your right paw and and repeat after me!" "I, Bonnie Belle, do solemnly swear to always be a good Cairn, to not bite, to not bark, to never potty in the house, and to let no squirrel feet hit the earth, ever, in my yard or wherever I may be, so help me Toto!"

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WOW! That is a great photo. That should be entered into a dog magazine. Its a winner. Like others asked, how did you get them to stay in that position with paw up, long enough for a photo. That's too cute for words.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Actually, the "pose" was a bit of serendipity--they were disputing something and I was snapping digitals and happened to catch this "paw work". You guys know how we Cairn owners are--megabite after megabite of our dogs.

Sammi is such a gentle soul, always has been, so she is constantly playing with the little one.

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sheila and Misty

Idahocairns -welcome ! I had to do a double take on that picture ---wow looks alot like my two Misty the wheaton brindle and larger and Toby the dark brindle and smaller post-2491-1231650357_thumb.jpg excuse the bad hair day on Misty and Tobys all of a sudden itch, <_<

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Love the oath taking photo - they are both beautiful dogs! I think you were very lucky to get that picture! :)


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dahocairns -welcome ! I had to do a double take on that picture ---wow looks alot like my two Misty the wheaton brindle and larger and Toby the dark brindle and smaller

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excuse the bad hair day on Misty and Tobys all of a sudden itch, dry.gif

I had to do a double take myself! Talk about your "matching pairs". Same coloration and size relation in both these sets of dogs. Actually, it looks like my little one is going to lighten up a bit. Course you never really know but it looks like the puppy is going to eventually be Wheaten--I'm hoping she keeps her dark markings tho. Sammi had a mask when she was a pup but it has all faded to Wheaten over the years --except the ears.

With these Cairns, it is like Gump's box of chocolates--you never know what you are getting--but whatever it is, it is always good.

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Great picture. Taking an oath, that is funny! And I sure am glad that someone is still formal in this world! Formal is the last thing going on around my home since I got a cairn! Our house is mostly total chaos now, but worth every bit of it!

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