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My girls are in SAR training.


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Well something fabulous has happened. Being here on the Cairn forum has opened up a whole new thing for us. I was contacted by a member of this site SARPARTNER, And was asked to tag along on an adventure. Chris is a junior commander for a SAR group here in the south, With a Cairn named Dusty. A great little guy who is wise beyond his years. Dusty is a certified master in his field and I got to see him work firsthand. It has been a wonderful ride.

We started going to training a few weeks ago. My son and I are throughly enjoying it. The girls are starting to understand when I say "time to go to work!" on Sunday mornings. We even just found out this past weekend that my lab/ mastiff mix Dozer is able to be training with these great dogs and people. So its a family event now..and I couldnt be happier about it.

It has been inspiring to see how dogs in general have the capabilites to find someone who is lost in the woods. The one thing that I have learned is that when you trust your dog with their abilities..Many things can be discovered. It has opened my eyes to a new level of dogdom. It has helped me understand that anything is possible in the canine world. The Commander is great. He is well versed in his field, and makes one feel comfortable asking the silliest of questions. Chris is very informative and has helped me learn a few techniques in basic obedience that I havent been able to master with Dozer. In one session with him, We have quelled his desire to eat 4 wheeler tires and he walks on a leash like he never has pulled me down and drug me into the pond before..haha

So wish us luck guys. We are on a new adventure. Who says that only big dogs can be SAR dogs? From what I have seen Dusty prove knocks that theory right outta here.

Heres the girls with the love of their lives.


Puddles, Iris and Dusty


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Thanks everyone! Its so much fun right now. i will be glad to update as things progress :)

SAR is Search and Rescue. We are currently working on wilderness searchs using air, article and ground scent. Eventually we will be working on water search and others. It is to aid law enforcement in finding lost people. They also assist in cadaver searchs. And it is beneficial in locating people after a natural disaster.


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My father in law now deceased, establish German Shepard Search Dogs of Washington State. He and his dog and other dedicated people in the club found many, many people with their Shepherds. Jim and his dog, Gus, had many articles written about them and he was honored by the Governor of Washington. I got involved with my GS, Flint and together we learned. The most interesting experiences was looking for avalanche victims. We had to go through intensive avalanche training ourselves. Humans spent hours on the show shoes, the dogs blazed a trail. Most of the GS "air scent". It's thrilling to watch them work.

Cairns should be completely capable of SAR work. I've witnessed Kona catching the scent of 2 drops of raccoon scent on a stuffed badger carcass drug through a field and woods. I believe cairns to have a heightened sense of smell and they love to work. Snow work won't work well because of their stature, but woods and brush would be fine.

As you work with dog, your relationship will deepen.

Greg and Val Perry

Home of Kula RN CGC, Am. Can. Int'l. CH Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA ME EE2/Can. SE NAJ NAS CGC (Kona), CH Clanmarr's Steele Princess (Hattie) and CH Scotchbroom Thistle The Patriot SE (Sully) Visit: CroftersDream.com

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sheila and Misty

what a fun mind stimulating activity for them and something you can really be proud of..and after all the training if they dont succeed-at least you can say you guys tried it but I believe you will succeed! :D

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What Puddlesmama forgot to tell you is that Iris and Puddles are progressing very well. Both uprights are also very eager to learn and have already begun to experience the wonderful strengthening of the bond between them and their pups. Cairns are naturals for this type of work.

Puddlesmama, I am very glad you accepted the invite. Extra belly rubs for the whole crew.

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Hmmmm, I just looked at where you all were from. Aren't you living in the land of hound dogs? :)

Greg and Val Perry

Home of Kula RN CGC, Am. Can. Int'l. CH Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA ME EE2/Can. SE NAJ NAS CGC (Kona), CH Clanmarr's Steele Princess (Hattie) and CH Scotchbroom Thistle The Patriot SE (Sully) Visit: CroftersDream.com

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Great story Greg! As for the hound dogs..Yea..We have a couple of fine hounds on the team. But time to bust the stereotype though doncha think? :lol:

Thanks Sheila and Misty..I have all the time in the world to try my best. Im having alot of fun and most important thing is that the dogs love it.

Chris. I was hoping youd come in. *waves* After i posted this thread I had the fear I was going to be asked some questions that i didnt know the answers to. But I just had to tell! :w00t:

*scritches accepted by all complete with back leg kick*


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