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ID Tag


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Just thought I'd share a link to a great ID tag I ordered for both of my dogs. I hate the sound of a jingling dog tag, especially in the middle of the night or when the kids are napping during the day. The tags arrived last week and so far I am REALLY happy with them. There were a little difficult to get on, but once on they don't slide around and are totally quiet. Only the test of time will tell how long they hold up, but for $10 each, and peace and quiet, I could bear ordering a new one every couple of years......


Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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Sparky doesn't usually wear his tag around the apartment because it's on his harness, but when we're at my parents' house I like the jingle-jangle of his tag. Lets me know where he is.

Oh, I just clicked that link and one of the names on the tags is Sparky! haha!

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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Yes, I thought of you, SparkyJonesMom, when I saw the tag with "Sparky" on it. Especially after reading your post about human names vs. dog names!

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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I'll have to forward this link to my brother. Right now he wraps his boxer's tags in a rubber band to keep them from jingling! He'll probably love this.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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We have Finnegan's tags tucked in a "Quiet Spot" that attaches to his collar. Have had it for over a year and we're really pleased. We have tile floors and listening to tags clinking against them made me a little nuts! Here's a link...


Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain

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I had a "Quiet Spot" for a couple of years on my lab. It worked very well also. The velcro just wore out after a couple of years and I didn't know where to find another one. I got the first one at a pet store when I was out of town.

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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Thanks for the link. One of mine has a tag that is plastic (from Home Again service) and I had been hoping that I could find more like it. the slide on ones look much better.

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