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Hi and Happy New Year!


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I have missed reading and posting with you all! There are so many new friends too! This past semester at ASU was a tough one and I have not done much outside of school and family stuff! Tuk-Tuk and I have really packed on the lbs spending way too much time at my computer writing research papers and such! We have both been walking alot since the end of school, but we keep getting goodies from family which is very nice of them but not helping us loose weight (everyone loves Tuk so they bring him treats from the local dog bakery). The new semester will be starting in a couple weeks (thank goodness it's my last, yay!) and promises to be just as challenging, but I'm hoping to keep the walking going no matter what! For those who remember we had all those skin issues with Tuk over the summer and our groomer has been helping us with stripping (using a tool, not by hand). I can't say for sure it's made the difference cause it's not hot here anymore, but I plan to continue with it. His coat is so cute long and right now he's not itching and no more scabs. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way when it warms up again! Well, Happy New Year! I promise not to be such a stranger!

Here's a pic of Tuk trying to hide from the camera X-mas morning. He's camera shy, anyone else have this problem? He will not let us take a picture!


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Happy New Year to U2 :)

I bit the bullet and had Fergus clipped, except his head and tail, cos it's 27C here and let's face it, comfort is more important than looks.

Was tuk tuk named after the Thai scooters?

Cheers Big Ears

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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I think you may be the only person who knows that! Yes, but we got it off a video game. My DH got stuck on a level (long before we got a puppy) and the name struck me as funny, as a joke I said when I got a dog I would name it Tuk-tuk. It was literally a couple years later when we brought Tuk home and my DH held me to the name and I still liked it. It fits him and no one else has it. My very first vet thought it was funny (as do most people, at least those who can pronounce it- we get a lot of tut-tut) and he said you'd be surprised the number of people who name their dogs something that sound just like a command. I didn't believe him till my sister got a dog and named her Juno. lol

So I looked up a conversion and if I did it right, it's 80f there! That's pretty warm! Its always warm here in Arizona but we won't be that warm today, I don't blame you for getting Fergus clipped! That's why I used to clip Tuk...then we had allergies so I don't know if I'll be doing that this summer or not. Stay cool!

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sheila and Misty
I think you may be the only person who knows that! Yes, but we got it off a video game. My DH got stuck on a level (long before we got a puppy) and the name struck me as funny, as a joke I said when I got a dog I would name it Tuk-tuk. It was literally a couple years later when we brought Tuk home and my DH held me to the name and I still liked it. It fits him and no one else has it. My very first vet thought it was funny (as do most people, at least those who can pronounce it- we get a lot of tut-tut) and he said you'd be surprised the number of people who name their dogs something that sound just like a command. I didn't believe him till my sister got a dog and named her Juno. lol

So I looked up a conversion and if I did it right, it's 80f there! That's pretty warm! Its always warm here in Arizona but we won't be that warm today, I don't blame you for getting Fergus clipped! That's why I used to clip Tuk...then we had allergies so I don't know if I'll be doing that this summer or not. Stay cool!

Happy new year back at you! Ill bet your glad you got some of that college behind you now..I couldnt imagne going to school anymore. well back to the tuk tuk -I believe you mentioned on your introductory section (meet the owner page) about how he got his name...

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Ya I did put that in there, forgot about that. I think school is sapping more brain cells than its giving me! I'm sure Tuk will be glad when I'm all done, he didn't care for those last few weeks of the semester. He actually got into trouble! He will create mischief, but to get into trouble almost never happens. He chewed a very special X-mas decoration, and I was so short on nerves I actually gave him a swat on the butt for it! :o I couldn't believe him or me!

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