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What did you do this Christmas?


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We lost power this morning (in Maine) again. Becaue it is just my DH and me, we decided to take a picnic and Harry to the ocean. It was a beautiful day.

What did you all do??



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How beautiful your pictures are, they look like they should be a jigsaw puzzle. We stayed in, watched the rain, ate, then ate some more.

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We had the kids & grandkids (a total of 14 of us) over for dinner and gift-exchange Christmas eve. It was a great, if crowded time, and Bailey & Sophie got lots of attention as usual. Today my DW & I delivered Meals on Wheels to some elderly folks in the A.M., and then we came home and exchanged our own gifts, and gave the furkids theirs (bully sticks, stuffies, and chew toys). We spent the rest of the day just lounging around and eating when we felt like it. Having all the family together is great, but we sure enjoy the quiet day after! Hope everyone else had a great Christmas too! :thumbsup:


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Those photos in Maine are beautiful..................... what a lovely way to spend the day when you have no power again! Hope things get back to normal for you soon.

I went to Church, cooked myself a piece of pork - with Holly sitting by the oven sniffing the air with appreciation!

Holly got some presents and thorough enjoyed trying to kill new toys! She also had some pork with her dinner which she really liked! We had a good walk in afternoon and saw little girl with new dolly's pram - Holly is very nosey so had to have a look inside pram!!

Then she watched television with me [well, she went to sleep actually!].

Meeting with friend and 2 of her Cairns this morning and going for a walk round lake at local country park!


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I look at those pictures and just dream of being able to go to water without freezing my fanny off. Your pictures are beautiful.

My husband and I are seriously considering going away somewhere sunny next year for Christmas and the kids LOVE the idea.

We traveled to my mom's (an hour and a half) but it took much longer because the roads ended up being icy so we could not go over 40 miles per hour. It was fine though...we just talked and the kids and Riley-boy just slept so it was still pretty nice!

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Merry Christmas. Well DH wasn't felling well yesterday so we spent much of it in the ER. But Oscar and our little boy were both dressed for the occasion in their santa outfits. They got many compliments.

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My DH, Sparky, and I celebrated Christmas with both families, so we spent a lot of time on the road (they live about 3 hours apart). Sparky had a blast, though. He's the only dog on one side of the family, and everyone just spoils him rotten, so he was feeling pretty good about himself. Then my brother's Boxer, Kali, was at my parents' house again, so Sparky spent two whole days pestering the poor girl by chewing on her leg and ear, walking underneath her, and being all-around obnoxious. He got snapped at a few times, but that's Ok. They both had a good time, and Sparky got lots of new toys and treats!

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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sheila and Misty

went to moms -Misty and Toby celebrated in the morning with us - and later that evening . and we spoiled them.once I download my pics. you,ll see.

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The cat celebrated by killing, eating and barfing up a spotted towhee. Cassie the cairn caught herself a huge pocket gopher that must have weighed half a pound, ate half and buried the other half. Sorry I didn't get a photo. She had a tail hanging out under her nose and a foot sticking out of each side of her cheeks but when I tried to aim the camera at her she thought I was trying to steal the back half and took off. We really do feed our pets.

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sheila and Misty
The cat celebrated by killing, eating and barfing up a spotted towhee. Cassie the cairn caught herself a huge pocket gopher that must have weighed half a pound, ate half and buried the other half. Sorry I didn't get a photo. She had a tail hanging out under her nose and a foot sticking out of each side of her cheeks but when I tried to aim the camera at her she thought I was trying to steal the back half and took off. We really do feed our pets.

'scuse my ignorance ...but what is a spotted towhee??? and by the way eeeeew! that story is beyond gross! did you get a kiss after that episode? yuckins!!

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I apologize for being beyond gross in my post, I should have been more considerate. A spotted towhee is a bird that is neither scarce nor endangered where we live thank goodness.

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