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Hamlet at 4 weeks old


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I posted about myself and family in the Getting to Know You thread. I wanted to show you Hamlet, who will be coming to us in January. We visited the breeder a couple of weeks ago and got a picture of Hamlet and family when he was 4 weeks old. He is so cute, although I am a little biased :whistle:

Here is Hamlet,


and here is mom,


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What a gorgeous puppy! and his Mum is so pretty! All the best for you with your New Year addition to family!


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Time sure does stand still. However, we can wait. I am glad he comes home after Christmas. It is such a busy time of the year and I would rather wait until things settle. He will be a belated Christmas present for us. Cairns are so lovable, we are looking forward to having him under foot. I am giving some thought to visiting the breeder this weekend while my son is home. He flys back to University on January 4th and will not see Hamlet until the end of April. It is a 3 hour trip to the breeders so it ends up being a day trip. Hamlet will be 6 weeks old this weekend.

Here is another picture of him with all his sisters. (He is the one at the back of the three) Even Mom needed a nap.


Hamlet is adorable! Time will seem to stand still while you wait to bring him home. ...
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Great pictures! They are a beutiful bunch. That momma is a looker, you know what that means, they will all be gorgeous as the grow up. Have fun.

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I was in touch with the breeder this week and we set the date. I will pick Hamlet up on January 10. He will be 8 weeks old then. My wife and I are going out this weekend to see if there are any boxing day specials on crates and assorted toys. We do have a crate now, but we use it for our current gal. She is a 7 yr old Shih Tzu/Poodle cross. My mother had to give her up after my stepfather passed away. She had two dogs and could only manage one. She is definitely my wife's dog. Follows her everywhere. She is used to being around other dogs, so we do not expect any problems.

Here is a picture of our little Susie


I mentioned in the getting to know you thread that I had to put down my three year old Westie due to skin disease. Here is a picture of her from last summer. She is missed.


Only a couple more weeks to wait.

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I did not mention that I also met the sire. I did not get a picture of him though. He was in the back yard running around. He is a red brindle that weighs about 15 lbs. The red seems to be the dominant colour in this litter as all the pups appear that they will be red. All of them have red at the back base of the ear. I was told that this usually indicates their colour. However, as you know, cairns do not always stay the same colour.

We will know over time.

Great pictures! They are a beutiful bunch. That momma is a looker, you know what that means, they will all be gorgeous as the grow up. Have fun.
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