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Hello and Happy Holidays to Everyone,

Since the cold weather and snow has hit Massachusetts, I am once again looking to purchase a good pair of snow boots for both of my Cairns. On extremely cold days it appears to cause their paws discomfort even if only outside to "do their business". I did a search on dog boots and realize this topic has been discussed in past threads.

For those of you who may be interested, there is a prodcut called Muttluks, fleece-lined dog boots that are made in Canada. They are supposed to provide warmth, protection and fit correctly to stay put once they are on the dog. However, they are very pricey at about $48.00 pair for Cairn sized boots excluding shipping.

Here is a link to their website: http://www.muttluks.com/


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Have you checked the store in Framingham called REI. They have dog accessories like the dog boots that way you can look and touch the product. By the way were you advertising in Craig's list for Cairn or terrier day care?

the picture was really cute

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Thanks for the tip on REI. I will have to check it out.

No, it wasn't me on Craigslist but I will have to do a search on it.

Was the ad just for Cairn and/or Terriers only? Was it liksted under Central MA?



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Can't remember if it was central ma, or metro west boston. I believe the person lived in Framingham. They have or cairn and maybe a westie and love to watch terriers.

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