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Hello everyone, I want to begin by saying Hi im jacks mommy a handsom 10week old. I was reading up on insurrance and I was wondering how many of you actually bought the insurrance and if so what comapny did you go with?

Thanks for all the help in advanced.

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What a cutie, love the sweater.

I've looked into insurance, i think it's a pretty good idea, but haven't bought any. All depends on if you can afford unforeseeable issues. My boy decided to swallow a wine cork last Jan, and ended up with an obstruction and sugery. It was a very large bill, and i believe the insurance would have help out with the expense. I think i'm living dangerously, but he has calmed down since that incident.

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I also don't have insurance but I did alot of research and was seriously thinking out it. I liked Pet Plan USA the best. they have a good rating with BBB. Check out their web sight. It is nice because unlike all the others there are no exclusions all illnesses or acidents for the year are covered and not excluded then forever like the others. You have so much money to use for each year.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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We have VPI and have had it since the girls came home with us. It costs us about $31 a dog a month - it used to be about $28 per dog, it goes up a little each year - like what insurance premimum doesn't???? It's come in handy for us a few times and after past vet bills with prior pets I think it's a great safety net to have as a pet owner.

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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I've had VPI for my lab for about 9 years and have saved a TON of money on vet bills. I carry the lowest policy for her which only covers illnesses and injuries. It costs us $22 a month. It is quite a bit more if you want vaccinations and regualr exams, etc. covered. My lab has had 5 surgeries including one to remove cancerous tumors and the insurance on average covers about 2/3 of the cost....that's a rough estimate.

My cairn, Gus, is currently covered by a free 60 day AKC insurance that was offered when I registered him. I will probably switch him to VPI when the free one expires.

With all insurances you have to pay upfront, submit the bill to the insurance company and then they pay the money out to you.

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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Thank you all for advice, I'm really looking into it and so far pet plan was on my top list, I have to check out VPI. My Jack seems to getinto everything so I have a feeling unless im watching 24/7 I might need the insurance.

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  • 1 month later...

We are looking into getting insurance for Brody. Has anyone had to use it? How long does it typically take to ger reimbursed for the medical expenses?

Brody had to go to the vet today and we have to keep an eye out on him to watch for more leg probelms.

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We are looking into getting insurance for Brody. Has anyone had to use it? How long does it typically take to ger reimbursed for the medical expenses?

Brody had to go to the vet today and we have to keep an eye out on him to watch for more leg probelms.

We bought insurance after Bailey had to have surgery in Feb. 2006 (pretty smart, huh?), and haven't needed it for either of our dogs since. It's like any insurance--- you buy it, hoping you never need it, and if you don't need it you think you wasted your money. It might be better to put money aside in a separate account for medical emergencies, but I'm not sure how many people can do that faithfully. Bailey's surgery was over $4000.00, so insurance sure would have been nice then. Live & learn! :confused:

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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I got Sparky insurance after he developed a seroma (sp?) on his side. It turned out to be nothing big at all, but it just made me even more paranoid and worried about the cost of an expensive surgery if he ever needed it. His insurance comes from the ASPCA, and it's $17.50 a month. I really recommend it. It's inexpensive, and it's really nice knowing that you have that safety net if something does happen. I hope I'll never need it, but I'm glad it's there if something happens.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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Yes, VPI reimburses within about 30 days. I just signed Gus up and it is only $13 a month for the lowest plan, which is all I've ever had with my older dog. I didn't know about the 5% discount for a second dog, so I'll have to check into that. Thanks for the heads up Deb!

Meredith, Gus, and Daisy


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Our vet gave us pamphlets for both VPI and ASPCA. We going to look into both. Brody was stepped on at the dog park by a lady that was backing up and then two weeks later he seemed to re-injure it. We now have to keep a close eye on it since he's been limping for about 4 weeks. Hopefully, it's not anything more.

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