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This has to be some sort of record


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We are in the middle of a cold snap here in Montana with daytime highs the last couple of days in the -15 to -20 range. And, we had a pretty good blizzard yesterday.

Please don't get me wrong here. Some of you folks in parts of the East are much worse off than we are here. What few power outages there were in this area were localized and didn't last more than a short time. We only had about 6" of snow in town, but the high winds caused a lot of drifting. The cold is our main problem.

To make a long story short, I took Renny on a quick walk last evening at about 5:45 or so, and he did manage to pee OK. We took a short walk at our usual 9:45pm and he wasn't able to pee, and I just knew he was going to get me up at 3 or 4 on the morning to go out, but he made it through the night just fine. He didn't "go" this morning, and I took him out several times today with no results, mainly due to the cold, and I was starting to get worried about him.

Finally he wanted to take a walk at about 4:30 this afternoon, and FINALLY pee'd and pooped. That is nearly 23 hours without peeing!! And, I am 100% positive that he didn't pee in the house. I know it's a heck of a thing to brag about, but I'm very proud of my little buddy!!

This has to be some sort of record.

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Poor little guy wanting to hold it cause he probably thought it would come out frozen! With negative temps like that does he have little boots on his feet?

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I don't have boots for him. I probably should try a pair, but I think getting them on ( or him keeping them on) would be nearly impossible.

We have both gotten at least somewhat accustomed to the cold and he is pretty much back to normal, but the walks are only long enough to give him time to do his duty until it warms up some.

He is "just a little bit spoiled", but by golly, he does take the house training thing very seriously.

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This might sound odd... but I wouldn't COMPLETELY resort to the garage if needed. Bailey (our boy) as peed on our tires in the garage a few times on our way out of the garage. So maybe that is at least a warmer place with no winds??? Hey it's not IN the house per say. We're dealing with similar snow and dangerous cold temps. here in Colorado. Our boy will hold off pooping to NOT go outside as well. Glad he did the deed.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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hmmm...to me it is a close call which is worse - walking a dog at -20 and living 4 days without electricity. Given that I just did the latter, you can tell that I'm with Renny...BBBBRRRR!!!!!

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