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Ice storm in NH

Jessica H

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As Mollyrocker said we got hit really bad with the ice storm. My town, Deering, is like a different world than some places. I was in Manchester/Goffstown area the other day and I could not believe the difference. We probably will not be getting power for days still since it is such a small town and the damage is so severe. My backyard looks like a war zone and the fence is a little wrecked from a few up rooted trees so they won't be in the yard for a while. I have never seen anything like it, I had trees splitting in half in my yard, I couldn't get out of my house until late Friday morning because of downed power lines and trees. Every blade of grass is an icicle. As horrible as it is it is actually very pretty. I will post some pictures when I have more access.

I am glad to see Mollyrocker is ok, I know there are a few other members from this area, would like to hear from them. I know it is tough because not many people have power. I am at a friends house that has a generator. I have a smaller one but I am only running necessities off of it such as pellet stove and tv lol (it gets boring) and a light.

The dogs think its great because they have lots of icicles to eat now, and they are teaching the puppy all of the good ways.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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i'm in the area too but fortunately my power has been restored after an outage. through no great wisdom of my own i happened to have a supply of wood and gasoline for the generator when the storm hit. i know people to the east of us are hurting bad, i'm hoping you get back online soon. keep warm!

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good that you checked in..I thought of you guys over in Deering.

Our fence got crushed too in several spots. Luckily it was only the wire fencing that got hammered. We were able to temporarily fix it, but in the Spring, I will have to redo part of it.

It is pretty isn't it and so incredibly devastating. Looks like we won't have power restored until the end of next week, weekend at the earliest.

I'll post pics too when I can upload them.

stay warm Jessica

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We're hearing about your storm and loss of power here in New Zealand and our thoughts are with you. Let's hope the power gets restored quickly. I read somewhere you lose 50% of your body heat through the top of your head, so it may pay for you to wear woolly hats - I'm not too sure how you are going to keep them on your fur babies though!

Cheers, Welly

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Hi From Albany, NY where we still do not have power yet, either. My office has had power restored as of late Friday and Internet as of last night, so we've been making the trek here to charge up our electronics and enjoy reading about what is going on in the world around us. It is so surprising that state of emergency has been called federally for NH and MA but not NY, as it sounds like it is much the same here as it is in NH. We didn't venture off the front porch until about 3:00 Friday afternoon because very large trees and limbs were still falling at an alarming rate. They say that over 120,000 people in the Albany metro area are still without power - rather disheartening since the number was 140,000 yesterday at this time. We have a large branch pulling our power line to the ground right now, and it is partially disconnected from the house. We're hearing it will be Weds or Thurs till we can expect power back. We have a gas fireplace and a gas cooktop so we are warm and well fed, and have had someone hook our freezer up to a generator over the weekend, so we haven't lost our food yet. Also, my school got shut down even though we are in the middle of finals week and they canceled the rest of the semester, so I have no work to do now, since both my finals were among those canceled!

Currey thinks it is all fabulous....he loves to roll in the ice and scratch his back then go sit by the fire!

Here's a pic of the dog playing in the ice and one of our street where you can see some of the damage to the trees. A week ago, the street had a full canopy of branches spanning it. It looks so different now.

I haven't made my cairn xmas cards yet...they'll probably be VERY late, now!

BradL - aren't you getting SNOW right now?!? "balmy" it is not there, from what I hear! My nieces (in Beaverton) were beside themselves with excitement over the snow this morning!



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We are Jodi, but compared to other parts of the country it pales to insignificance. When it turns to sheet ice later it won't be so funny, but for now it's the usual insanity as folks try to cope with a rare bit of snow. For now my concerns are for those who are without power in the cold.

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Glad Currey thinks the weather situation is good! but feel for the humans who have to cope with it!

Hope that things improve.


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The ice storm was very bad... Although, I never made it into work, we did go up for a hike just near my house (no driving necessary). OMG!! It was beautiful (but scary with trees cracking all around). Hope things thaw out quickly. We got a little more rain here in Maine last night. The roads are tough driving again this morning....Stay safe.

Lisa & Harry



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The ice storm was very bad... Although, I never made it into work, we did go up for a hike just near my house (no driving necessary). OMG!! It was beautiful (but scary with trees cracking all around). Hope things thaw out quickly. We got a little more rain here in Maine last night. The roads are tough driving again this morning....Stay safe.

Lisa & Harry

It's amazing how something can be so treacherous & so beautiful at the same time. It looks like Harry thought it was wonderful ! Hope thing are better soon-


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Redmon looks a sensible dog - getting under cover away from the weather!! Cute pic

Harry looks as if he should be on a Christmas card................. pretty scene but awful at same time for those coping with it.


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How is the recovery/clean up going over in NH? We just hit the 100 hour mark without power. It has gotten quite OLD! The good news is that the trucks have been on our street on and off since yesterday morning. The bad news is that they have not yet been to our property to get the tree off the line to our house. Currey is terribly afraid of trucks, so its been a bit traumatic for him! Yesterday was his 3rd birthday and he spent most of it hiding in a cold closet :( Poor little guy! I think I'm going to run home and bring him back to my office for the afternoon so he can relax for a bit.

pkcrossley, I love redmon's photo!!! I tried putting covers over Currey the other night and he thought that was a crazy idea!

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Our street was closed for a while, until they were able to clear the trees and the power lines out of the road. We lost power on Thursday (11th) night about 10:30. We were fortunate to get it back at 5:30 on Saturday evening. I can't imagine 100 hours! We have a gas insert in our fireplace, and that helped some. The thing that always concerns me, is that the pipes will freeze. I know there are still people without power, and that they had it a lot worse than we did. My thoughts are with all those folks, and I hope your power will soon return. It is amazing how much we take for granted. We are on well water, so no power, no water. I don't know how many times I reached for the faucet, and then caught myself. Abbie found it very difficult to find a spot to do her business. She did not like the ice under her feet. Hope we won't see another one of those type storms for a LONG time.

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sheila and Misty

hoping you all are back on track with your usual routines -it must be really difficult without power -the longest I ever went was 2 days and that was before our generator was bought and we had to get our friend to put all our meat etc in her freezer and I had to keep pumping air in the pond and fishtakes-it was just hoorid! I feel for you guys -and the water lines are probably breaking everywhere too. take care keep toasty.

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Did you get hit with another storm in NH? We got over a foot of snow yesterday here in CT but thank God it was snow and not ice. Tomorrow is another day with another storm coming and this one is showing more potential for icing.

I will be thinking good thoughts for all living of you living in winter wonderlands.

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yep, more snow, ordinarily much easier to deal with than ice, but crews were still working to reestablish the power lines from last week. doesn't help.



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Here in Illinois, our part was all ice. It looked like a big ole skating rink. I love snow, not this nasty ice. We have power thank goodness. All my big river birches are drooping over from the ice. Stay warm, stay safe.


Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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sheila and Misty

Its a shame something that looks soo beautiful can cause so many problems. hang in there at least you know its a temporary situation. but the timing is impecable! be extra carefull on your last minute shopping.

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I just got power back yesterday and I have never been so excited to do laundry or vacuum! Still no internet but I have lights!!!! It was a long 11 days but we made it. We had a generator so it was not nearly as bad as others had it but you do not realize how much you take electricity for granted!

On top of the ice storm last week we got about 18" of snow over the weekend which slowed a lot down. I am glad to be back on track and now I have to refill the entire fridge.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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We got 10 inches of snow here in S.E. Mich. last Fri., and we were complaining about that, but when I see what happened to those of you in the N.E., I realize how fortunate we were. We also had a water-main break in our sub over the weekend, but that was repaired in a matter of hours so it wasn't that bad either. I hope that your troubles are nearly over and that you can still enjoy the holidays. Merry Christmas!!!!!!

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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In the Portland, OR, area we have been getting hit with cold weather and snow/freezing rain for about a week now. Until two days ago it wasn't too bad---a little rain mixed with snow and then freezing temps left a light coating of ice on roads and sidewalks. I didn't hear of much real damage and only a little inconvenient for traffic. We usually start whining and displaying our incredible driving skills at the first mention of snow! :twisted:

Sunday morning the snow really started falling. Yesterday, Monday, I went out to knock some snow off of my low-pitched roof and found that the snow in my yard was about four inches over the tops of my knee boots---way, way, way more snow than I have had in close to 20 years at this house! (Note: my knees aren't really that far from the ground to begin with.) My car is just a white lump out in the yard with only one mirror and the antenna showing. I have a long driveway leading into the yard and, of course, it is completely buried, too. Snow in this quantity is nearly unheard of aroud here so nobody has any kind of private snow removal equipment. I'll go out and start shoveling pretty soon but I still imagine it will be a few more days 'til I can get my car out of the yard.

There have been relatively small and scattered power outages but, so far, I only lost power for about five hours Sunday morning and that was restored before I even got out of bed. Yesterday the power flashed off/on several times but has managed to stay on. Losing power is the biggest worry for me because when I lose power I lose heat, water, communication and entertainment sources.

Monday the airport was essentially closed down. I-84 was closed as were several state highways. Passenger rail service northbound was closed. It was a real mess for Christmas travelers.

My cat and dogs are all happy to spend their time in the house. My Toller, being younger and better equipped to deal with cold and snow than the others, goes out fairly often but doesn't stay out very long. I wish he'd quit dragging snow into the house!

The only thing that will make this all go away would be a good, warm rain storm but, of course, that would cause catastrophic flooding in low areas. As tired as I already am of this snow I hope it melts slowly enough to not cause any more problems.


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